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Posts by Ascholten

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Milky way blew up (Message 45606)
Posted 18 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
I have had some continuing problems with disk thrashing then freezing / BSD so did a full disk diag and found some bad sectors in the boinc directory. I ended up detatching from one project and letting windoze 'fix' the hdd and so far it seems like the problem has gone away. Im assuming I might have had a bad project which caused a lockup or something right at the wrong moment in time when a disk write was occurring, which caused the corruption, which then continued to cause probs on subsequent runs with it.

Let's hope everything plays nicely now.

2) Message boards : Cafe MilkyWay : Milestones III (Message 45590)
Posted 16 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
Hit a million a few days ago. Not hard to do on this project but every little bit helps. Ill let em keep rolling up, lets see where I am at this time next year.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Max Temps? (Message 45589)
Posted 16 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
It gets noisy but crank your fan speed up, that will help a lot on the cooling. I find that the auto function, even when you tweak it's thresholds is not very good at all. I run mine in manual, and don't mind the noise so have it about as high as it will go. It keeps the card in the mid 50's

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Milky way blew up (Message 45586)
Posted 16 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
Had something very strange happen today.
Milky way started thrashing my hard drive, after about a minute the computer locked up and blue screened on me.
Im running windows 7 pro 64 bit.

When I restarted and restarted boinc, I got a bunch of error messages for every milky way Project I had currently on the drive.

1/15/2011 6:57:39 PM [error] Task de_separation_16_3s_fix_2_915973_1295086392_0 outside project in state file

this pretty much was for anything milky way. Once Boinc finally started it was like milky way was never there, it disconnected me from MW, took it out of the list of projects and I had to reconnect and log in again like I never was here on this computer.

Needless to say the tasks I had waiting to run are gone, and im starting again.

Any idea what caused this to happen?

5) Message boards : Cafe MilkyWay : TLPTPW #3 - Winner takes all! (Message 45473)
Posted 10 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
Until a mod says 'not quite' and locks the thread, but that'd be cheating wouldn't it?

6) Message boards : Number crunching : Computation Error of Milkyway@home task (Message 45472)
Posted 10 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
I think once something is lost like that it's gone. Sorry. For what its worth though, I do tend to notice when I do things on my computer that can turn 'cpu intensive' or potentially 'stall' until something requested is completed, like viewing some web pages for an example where the thing will 'lock up' for a few seconds until whatever crap is on it, finally loads up all the way or the app it just called to life finally initializes in your browser etc etc. During events like this, I have seen it cause a computation error.

I do not know what you have your settings at but might recommend that if you are going to be doing something that can get memory / cycle intensive, lower your max CPU use number down or change the 'suspend work if over' xx percent to a lower number. That way if something does kick in, (oh and virus programs are another notorious recourse hog when they kick in a scan or update) your work in progress on the project will temporarily suspend until after the event, and help avoid an error. Also doing things like changing system settings / screen resolutions / frame rates etc can kill you as well. If you must change something like that, suspend first.

Not sure if this info will help you but it can't hurt to try.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Max Temps? (Message 45471)
Posted 10 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
Wow Kashi, it sounds like you worked for Vistakon too at one time :D

Oh yes, I understand exactly where you are coming from there and the point about the sci/math geeks being very willing to 'show you' how intelligent they are .vs. the medical geeks being frustrated that you can't automatically see how intelligent they believe they are.

Yes they do tend to surround themselves with a caste system at times too. However as you have also stated, there is a LOT of empire building going on, that's their job security. If they are the only ones who know something important, then they are indispensable right? Many places the backstabbing and peer knifing is very prevalent and thats the only way one can stand tall is when standing on the back of a colleague. I do believe though that they are also taught a bit of this mentality in their schools too, they are told that they are somehow better than their fellow man and to act that way too. Shame really.

Yes I remember those days and not very fondly either, you would start the first few hours of the morning wading through the ego's and listening to each re iteration to the Nth +1 degree, on how they are going to save the world and you should be privileged to even be on the same planet as them. But then, for every 5 arrogant doctors you'd have to put up with, you'd have one that was really genuinely a great person once you figured out that it wasn't that they were intentionally being rude, but that their brains are wired up 'scientifically' and they never really learned .. for lack of a better description, how to interact with people properly, they were always busy mentally working out their next problem and socializing to them, was more of a waste of time when they could be doing something 'constructive' . Maybe that's what makes them so good at what they do? But hey, it takes all kinds to make the world go round right?

8) Message boards : Cafe MilkyWay : TLPTPW #3 - Winner takes all! (Message 45460)
Posted 9 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
and is there any second place prize?
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Max Temps? (Message 45459)
Posted 9 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
I can understand what you mean Kashi, some folks may want to act like they are doing you a favor by allowing you to crunch their numbers.

Sometimes projects have very little money as it is and they can't afford to spare anyone to be a permanent or semi permanent 'liason' to essentially babysit message boards and appease. However these projects will also find themselves constantly looking for people to do their bidding as folks get tired of the attitude and walk away.

Then again, there are plenty of projects out there too and one can also, simply goto an other if they feel undertreated at one project.

It was mentioned more than once that many folks don't feel like their work is appreciated over at other sites. Has anyone brought this up to them? I don't mean a flame war or ridicule laced post but has anyone genuinely tried to let them know that the crunchers need a little love once in a while?

Problems can't be solved if nobody brings them up to the folks that can solve them.

10) Message boards : Cafe MilkyWay : TLPTPW #3 - Winner takes all! (Message 45454)
Posted 9 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
so the winner is?
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Max Temps? (Message 45453)
Posted 9 Jan 2011 by Ascholten
Guys, please. I understand your frustrations with the lack of support but can we please not turn this thread into a GPU grid bash a thon?

I have never experienced anything like you said however wish to say this. I have worked in a pharmaceutical company before and the researchers, ie the doctors with the PhD's, were good at what they did, but not really good with 'human interaction'. We'd get called for a problem and getting one of them to explain it to you... WHAT? you can't see that the nanofluxer is sticking on the knibbly pin and that is causing temporal rifts in the wobulator which is causing the doofulator valve to overload the kanuten flapper? Followed by a look of disbelief, an eyeroll that my subspecies is even breathing, and a disgust look of why am I not on my knees bowing in their exhalted presence.

They may come off as arrogant but I honestly don't think they are trying to be, that's just the nature of that beast. On the not answering your questions, maybe they didnt know the answer. They may be good at gene crunching but are not Unix / SQL guru's. so are not sure really. Just a thought on my part, take it or leave it.

12) Message boards : News : assimilator back up (Message 45364)
Posted 31 Dec 2010 by Ascholten
im getting the same failure message on the download, yet the computer is running the tasks anyways w/o error?? Not sure how that will look when it sends it in but i think im going to just hold off on MW for a bit more until they get it fixed.

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Max Temps? (Message 45313)
Posted 26 Dec 2010 by Ascholten
Thank you for the in depth reply Zydor. I have been playing with the card a bit and am slowly learning it's quirks.

You said Nvidia nerfed their DP, hmm, that's a shame, I was under the impression it was one of the better cards out there, it certainly cost enough to be!!

I like crunching for the sake of crunching, why waste the processor cycles when this computer is pretty much on 24/7 anyways. The credits, yah they are nice but that's not solely why I am doing this, if I all I wanted was credits I could just write an app that says presto Aaron, you have a bajillion credits, wow you are sooo super :D

These projects are for a good cause and it's nice to be able to say, yes, I helped with that. Especially the medical ones, as I am sure pretty much everyone of us here has had someone we know / loved suffer from and / or die of cancer. In this case yes, your time is definately going towards something that will better mankind one day.

14) Message boards : Number crunching : It's Getting Hot...Time to TThrottle (Message 45311)
Posted 26 Dec 2010 by Ascholten
If you have a GPU that is capable of being run up that high, it should have come with some sort of tool for you to throttle it down yourself. Instead of running the core clock at say 900 mhz leaving it sitting at 75 degrees, run it at 850 mhz instead, leaving you sitting at 70 degrees...or 800 mhz just as an example. This should give you a bit of leeway as the day progresses and the temps start heating up. Yes you may lose a few minutes on a job but it's better than the alternative.

A gpu running at 0 mhz has a rather poor progress rate :D

15) Message boards : Number crunching : Computation Error of Milkyway@home task (Message 45310)
Posted 26 Dec 2010 by Ascholten
Or it could just write a new file and name it differently, possibly numerically and dump the 2nd earliest one.

For example.

write Checkpoint 1
write checkpoint 2 is it valid dump checkpoint 1
write checkpoint 3 is it valid dump checkpoint 2
write checkpoint 4 is it valid dump checkpoint 3

Just do a simple verify after a checkpoint is disked, if the one last written is good, go ahead and dump a previous, if the system crashes in the middle of a job, or in his case, the middle of a write, lets say in the middle of checkpoint 3, that file is corrupt so it backs down to checkpoint 2, continues from there, and then 3 eventually gets a valid write. This way you are not holding on to a bunch of non needed files.

16) Message boards : Number crunching : Max Temps? (Message 45187)
Posted 21 Dec 2010 by Ascholten
Thanks for the quick answer. I seen it come up to around 80 degrees and got a bit worried, backed it down a hair and nuked the fan speed to max.

I think I am going to play with the memory speeds and the cpu speeds and bump them up to see if I can squeeze a bit more out of it.

Any suggestions which will have the most affect? Im thinking cpu speed on the card as the memory barely seems to be used at all.

Im completing a task in about 6 minutes? Is that average for a de seperation task?

17) Message boards : Number crunching : Max Temps? (Message 45183)
Posted 21 Dec 2010 by Ascholten
I finally got everything working ok on my system,I hope and got my first GPU based workloads from MilkyWay.

What is considered a 'max safe' temp to run your GPU at, I have a control panel which I can adjust the processor and memory speeds with but notice that a little change can make a temp change a lot.

I have a GeForce GTX570 board.

Thank you

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