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Posts by alk44

1) Questions and Answers : Getting started : I need help adding MW to my Linux machine (Message 76574)
Posted 6 Nov 2023 by Profile alk44
Hey, thanks a bunch. I guess I didn't see it in the other areas. I'll have to look harder next time.
Thanks again,
2) Questions and Answers : Getting started : I need help adding MW to my Linux machine (Message 76535)
Posted 3 Nov 2023 by Profile alk44
As you all know, it has become necessary to delete MW and then add it back on all you machines. So far, I have done this on 3 machines of various versions of Windows without any problems. However, I have been trying to get my linux machine to add it back and it keeps giving me the error,

Fri 03 Nov 2023 07:04:20 PM EDT | | Fetching configuration file from https://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/get_project_config.php
Fri 03 Nov 2023 07:04:21 PM EDT | | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
Fri 03 Nov 2023 07:04:22 PM EDT | | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.

Is there something wrong with MW or is it something else? I've tried it several times over the last couple of hours.

PS oh ya, it also says, Failed to add, try again later.
Also, on Boinc Tasks, it says Error-184
3) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 76080)
Posted 29 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
I meant Preferances.
4) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75997)
Posted 27 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
not receiving any work units from N-Body. Separation were last units received.
how do I get the n-body units?

You have to change your Preferances at the site to accept n-bodys for processing. It's under projects tab..
5) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75943)
Posted 24 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
I can hardly believe this. I stopped two of the wu's and even though they show stopped, their time running and their estimated time continue keeping pace with the ones that are still running.

I don't think I've ever seen that before, is it still doing it? How did you stop them? When I stop a task I suspend it and it stops, some of my pc's are maxed out more than others so it can take more than a few seconds to recognize I've suspended them but never as long as a minute.

I stopped them by setting the run preference to 50%. They are all still showing that they are running, even though 2 of them say they are not. Really weird. I'm pretty sure that if I stopped them with suspend that they would really stop. Shows they have been running for almost 20 hours, with about an hour to go.
As expected, suspend does shift all computing to the still running cores.
6) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75930)
Posted 24 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
I can hardly believe this. I stopped two of the wu's and even though they show stopped, their time running and their estimated time continue keeping pace with the ones that are still running.
7) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75927)
Posted 23 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
Thanks, I'll try that, but I kinda doubt it will work. Let you know if it does though.
8) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75914)
Posted 23 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44

Can you show me how to make Einstein run only one unit with all 4 cores?
So far, I've got 4 wu's running on 4 cores and each should take 21 hours. Unfortunately, I have been running them for over 10 minutes and it has only taken 10 minutes off the est. time.

Thanks, Allen
9) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75913)
Posted 23 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
Seems to me that n body tasks are too big to run. Mine usually take about 2 days and often die before finishing; Is this the nature of the beast?
Are you using less than 100% of CPU time?

I was using 75 on percent cpu time, but just changed to 100. I have a i3-8130u 2.2GHz with Turbo Boost to 3.4GHz. Boinc shows 1 cpu with 4 cores. I was concerned about temperature as it's a laptop. Using the Intel GPU for running Einstein.

You do know that the Intel gpu and Intel I3-8130u are the exact same thing...right?

Personally I would turn off the Einstein gpu tasks and run Einstein cpu tasks instead and use an app_config.xml file to limit Milky Way and Einstein to 1 task at a time each.

Yes, I know that the same chip is the cpu and the gpu, but they are two components and should be able to run independently to a point.
I've not found the Einstein cpu task to be much better time wise than the Milkyway, so I just wanted to see if I could get one of them to work with the cpu. Seems that they are both very demanding task wise.

Thanks for the input. I will continue to see what I can get to work, one way or the other. Wish separation tasks wouldn't have ended, it's giving me a headache.
10) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75908)
Posted 23 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
Seems to me that n body tasks are too big to run. Mine usually take about 2 days and often die before finishing; Is this the nature of the beast?
Are you using less than 100% of CPU time?

I was using 75 on percent cpu time, but just changed to 100. I have a i3-8130u 2.2GHz with Turbo Boost to 3.4GHz. Boinc shows 1 cpu with 4 cores. I was concerned about temperature as it's a laptop. Using the Intel GPU for running Einstein.
Btw, the wu's started at 8 min and 6 secs and 10 min and 10 secs and are now at 18 hours and over a day.

Milkyway@home N-Body Simulation 1.82 (mt)
6/23/2023 1:24:33 PM
Report deadline
7/5/2023 1:24:33 PM
2 CPUs
Estimated computation size
5,916 GFLOPs
CPU time
CPU time since checkpoint
Elapsed time
Estimated time remaining
1d 06:03:51
Fraction done
Virtual memory size
12.88 MB
Working set size
16.86 MB
Process ID
Progress rate
3.240% per hour
11) Message boards : News : New N-Body Runs (Message 75901)
Posted 23 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
Seems to me that n body tasks are too big to run. Mine usually take about 2 days and often die before finishing; Is this the nature of the beast?
12) Message boards : News : Separation Application Shutting Down on Tuesday, Jun 20th (Message 75753)
Posted 20 Jun 2023 by Profile alk44
And what I'm assuming is "a lot" of electricity required to power the GPUs to do work that will have no scientific value.
Only 2 more days but still very wasteful.

But still probably ALOT less wasteful than all those CEO's etc flying to Switzerland on their private jets to attend a conference on 'saving energy'.

Couldn't have said it better. And look at all the waste those windmills produce when they have reached their end of use date. They are huge and are buried. Talk about pollutants.
Very inefficient method if you concider it all.
13) Message boards : News : Server Maintenance (June 1st, 2023) (Message 75413)
Posted 30 May 2023 by Profile alk44
Thanks Kevin. Appreciate the notice.
14) Message boards : News : Server Shutdown (5/8 - 5/10) (Message 75412)
Posted 30 May 2023 by Profile alk44
Can we now close this thread coz we now have a new "Maintenance" thread to bitch about ;-)

We will be running server maintenance on 6/1/2023 at 11:30 AM EDT.
Maintenance should be done by the end of the day.
An announcement will be made on this thread when maintenance is over.

Fantastic post. Love it.
15) Message boards : News : Server Shutdown (5/8 - 5/10) (Message 75409)
Posted 29 May 2023 by Profile alk44
Hey, it's bad enough we have to look at it in the Joined column on the left. I think it would be just as easy for you if we would have it mentioned as 5/8/23 - 5/10/23.

True for we Americans but Europeans, who also crunch here, might see it as the 5th of August to the 5th of October 2023, using the Scientific Internationally accepted way leaves no doubt as to the meaning of the dates

I use the form, 28 May 2023. No confusion there. Why quibble?

And I use 5/8/23 - 5/10/23. and it's much shorter and easier.
16) Message boards : News : Server Shutdown (5/8 - 5/10) (Message 75403)
Posted 27 May 2023 by Profile alk44
Except it looks stupid and who in their right mind would want to do what the rest of the world is doing???
17) Message boards : News : Server Shutdown (5/8 - 5/10) (Message 75399)
Posted 23 May 2023 by Profile alk44
Hey, it's bad enough we have to look at it in the Joined column on the left. I think it would be just as easy for you if we would have it mentioned as 5/8/23 - 5/10/23.
18) Message boards : News : Server Shutdown (5/8 - 5/10) (Message 75390)
Posted 16 May 2023 by Profile alk44
my question is, get I my points for the work in this time where the Server is offline??? Please give me an answer back to me. Thank you very much.

As long as you had work units to work on while the servers were down, yes.
19) Message boards : News : Server Shutdown (5/8 - 5/10) (Message 75387)
Posted 10 May 2023 by Profile alk44

Hope they get this thing online again soon. Already run dry on a fewl machines.
20) Message boards : News : Server Shutdown (5/8 - 5/10) (Message 75384)
Posted 10 May 2023 by Profile alk44
Hello everyone,

RPI is conducting their annual CII power maintenance between May 8th and May 10th. As a precaution, we will need to shutdown the server during this time.
We will have the server back up and running as soon as possible.

Thank you,

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