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Posts by David Glogau*

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Strange task state (Message 43765)
Posted 12 Nov 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
243196271 230354 11 Nov 2010 16:43:13 UTC 11 Nov 2010 17:25:14 UTC Completed, validation inconclusive 198.19 5.81 0.03 pending MilkyWay@Home v0.23 (ati13ati)
243231985 52171 11 Nov 2010 17:28:27 UTC 11 Nov 2010 20:14:38 UTC Completed, waiting for validation 378.63 125.23 0.85 pending Anonymous platform

Is it normal for MW ?

Yes, both messages are perfectly normal.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Server message errors (Message 43091)
Posted 22 Oct 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
In the BOINC Manager:
Click on the Advanced tab; then
Click on Preferences ... ; then
When the dialoge box opens click on the "disk and memory usage" tab.

Change "Use at most __________ Gigabytes disk space" to a larger number than you currently have.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : MW CUDA apps on...some OS in an AMD system..? (Message 43009)
Posted 20 Oct 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
I was running a GTX260 on Windows 7, now exclusively running Seti.

Not sure about Linux, but I was runing my ati GPUS on suse for a trial until I reverted. Can't see why cuda would not work with linux.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Aaargh! Server out of new work! (Message 41380)
Posted 10 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
I run a GTX260 24/7 on Seti. it is no big deal. I needed to adjust my cache to 4 days to assure constant work, but that's no big deal.

As to DnetC, I find it makes an excellent backup project for me. I am running it now on two, twin 5790 computers. One 5790 and 4770 computer. And one single 5790 computer, so it is pretty adaptable from my point of view.

OK must go MW just downloaded on one of the boxes, so lets see if I can get the others back!
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Aaargh! Server out of new work! (Message 41359)
Posted 10 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Since I live on the other side of the planet, I think the project admin should give me a big RED button to push whenever this happens, so the servers reset.

At least three of my babies switch automatically over to the backup project now.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : New challenge (Message 41358)
Posted 10 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Ahh Ha. So it's all your fault the server has spat the dummy :P
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Computer lags when running 5870 gpu (Message 41284)
Posted 5 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
First, the easy part: As far as your tasks go, that is a completely normal response. When you wingman returns their task you will get the credit for it.

Setting the resource share only affects the CPU so does not have the same effect on a GPU task.
There are other threads you can look at to see how to reduce the priority ranking for BOINC as far as the GPU goes. Otherwise the easiest is to right click on the BOINC icon and snooze the GPU part while you need the screen, then let things run when you are not abut.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Just Joined (Message 41281)
Posted 5 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
One day. Boinc Stats aggregates project info, and will flush the buffers once per day, so you will see it there as at tomorrow, with the info being up to one day old depending upon when each specific project updates.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Aaargh! Server out of new work! (Message 41265)
Posted 4 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Travis you selfish bas!ard, you snuck out out of the building to have some sort of a life didn't you ?

OK Matthew, kicking the server really is not working so well these days. I suggest you try kicking the computer lab staff!
If they are bigger than you, feel free to use a bat :P

/OK back to my live ROV feeds.
10) Message boards : News : Screensaver Demo (Message 41222)
Posted 3 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Hi Dreamer

I agree with you, color is important.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : server down? (Message 41216)
Posted 3 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Nope, the server is up. It just does not have anything to send out. I too have no work!
12) Message boards : News : Screensaver Demo (Message 41212)
Posted 3 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Great work Shane:

I tend not to use screen savers myself, but I appreciate the effort you are putting into this project.

Question: I run up to four GPU's at a time, so how would this affect the screen saver, if at all?

Kind Regards
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Waiting for validation... (Message 41189)
Posted 1 Aug 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
I've got these two that have been waiting 90 days to validate. What do I win?


Will I need to detach to get the DB to clear these??


Do your 2 from 21 Apr beat my 1 from 9 Apr?

Such impatience!
My two from 5 April beat both of you!
And one from 7th April 89614629
One more from 8th April87276724

No need to detach, they will clear in time.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Aaargh! Server out of new work! (Message 41066)
Posted 25 Jul 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
I am down as well.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Aaargh! Server out of new work! (Message 40906)
Posted 14 Jul 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
This is great news. Time to swap out a failing PSU and do some maintainence

Dusting now, caugh, caugh.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to reattach to MW. (Message 40661)
Posted 25 Jun 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Thanks Travis and Crunch3r.

Everything OK now.

So lets hope I don't have a power outage in the next ten days while I am away skiing.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to reattach to MW. (Message 40643)
Posted 24 Jun 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
I was hoping the server was going slow, but here we are this morning:

25/06/2010 10:41:34 a.m. Milkyway@home update requested by user
25/06/2010 10:41:35 a.m. Milkyway@home Fetching scheduler list

And . . . .
. . . . . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nothing.

My other crunchers continue to operate normally, Boinc Manager is doing its part of the attach process, and, numerous people are having the same problem, so it seems to be a config problem at the MW server end.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to reattach to MW. (Message 40632)
Posted 24 Jun 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
I have detached and attempted to reattach on one of my crunchers.

The Boinc part works OK, and then I get the following msg:
Fetching configuration file from http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/get_project_config.php
and then nothing: The project shows in projects but no account name, Team, or stats.

The MW folder is empty so nothing is downloading. I know of one other user with the same issue.
BOINC 6.10.57, on Win Vista 64.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Anybody got any ideas on lowering ambient room temps (Message 39909)
Posted 24 May 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Air conditioning!

Seriously, temps here get into the 40's here during summer, and while uncomfortable for me, the boxes themselves run from the winter low to mid eightys to mid ninetys. I only used the aircon for a few really hot days.
20) Message boards : Cafe MilkyWay : Milestones III (Message 39868)
Posted 20 May 2010 by Profile David Glogau*
Good on ya Verstapp, my Aussie friend!

Well Done Poorboy, ½ a BILLION! That's a biggie!

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