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Posts by Jim Daniels (JD)

1) Message boards : News : N-Body 1.18 (Message 58747)
Posted 11 Jun 2013 by Jim Daniels (JD)
I have two Win 7 (Intel i7) machines. One is running GPU tasks the other is not. Both are running CPU tasks from multiple projects. On both machines after an MT WU starts running all CPU project task requests return "Not Requesting Tasks: no need" message in the log. On the machine running GPU tasks the GPU tasks fetch normally.

This state continues even if there are no CPU tasks in the queue and there are several idle threads. I haven't waited to see if it continues after all CPU tasks are completed. Resetting the Milkyway project seems to clear up whatever is going on in BOINC Manager. Re-booting or reloading BOINC (7.0.64) and then re-booting does not.

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