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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 53057)
Posted 10 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Works OK here for me as I reported -- no big deal though, a lot of variables in the mix (I run 4850's).
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 53056)
Posted 10 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Fair enough, when it happens, I'll process elsewhere -- new double precision AMD cards are quite an expense, and also, from what I've seen require more power as well. I'm not inclined to rebuild a batch of systems for that purpose. When other projects also move to OpenCL -- I'll probably shut down my BOINC work as I simply can't justify that sort of investment in time for the projects. ....When .82 no longer works, unless things are fixed, I will be 'MW-less'. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 53053)
Posted 10 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: The other thing to note, with the earlier BM (6.10.58 or 6.12.32) which do get work with the 11.8 Catalyst -- they get .82 separation work units -- which process fine. I think the 7.0.8 BM 'wants' the 1.0 separation work units with OpenCL, but MW doesn't 'like' this. The deal here which might be interesting, POEM GPU *requires* the BOINC 7.x series (and seems picky about sub versions there), and runs an OpenCL application there. So at the moment, I have an either/or -- POEM GPU or MW GPU. I don't run much for POEM GPU (it is new for those guys and so has some issues AND is a CreditNew (bad, bad) house these days. Also, as long as .82 separation works with work units I will be OK for now on all the 6.10.58 and 6.12.32 BM + 11.8 Catalyst combinations I have deployed. When .82 no longer works, unless things are fixed, I will be 'MW-less'. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 53052)
Posted 10 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: I saw that and was hopeful, but... I tried this on a Win64 system with an HD 4850 and BM 7.0.8 1) Uninstalled Catalyst 11.4 2) Rebooted, installed Catalyst 11.8 3) Rebooted, removed MW from BM 7.08 4) Reattached to MW See messages below: 2/10/2012 1:57:54 PM | Milkyway@Home | Master file download succeeded 2/10/2012 1:57:59 PM | Milkyway@Home | Sending scheduler request: Project initialization. 2/10/2012 1:57:59 PM | Milkyway@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU and ATI 2/10/2012 1:58:00 PM | Milkyway@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks 2/10/2012 1:58:00 PM | Milkyway@Home | No tasks sent 2/10/2012 1:58:00 PM | Milkyway@Home | Message from server: Catalyst driver version is not OK for OpenCL application with this GPU 2/10/2012 1:58:00 PM | Milkyway@Home | Tasks for CPU are available, but your preferences are set to not accept them 2/10/2012 1:58:00 PM | Milkyway@Home | New computer location: home Indeed it does -- also the version of Boinc Manager. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 53047)
Posted 10 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Indeed it does -- also the version of Boinc Manager. With 11.8 (which also works with Collatz -- a critical constraint for me), and Vista 32 bit and Windows 7 64 bit, it does work -- with one of the 6.x Boinc managers. With 11.8 and XP 32 bit and BM 7.0.8 it does not get work, go figure. It depends on the driver version and GPU. The most problematic GPU are Radeon 4xxx series. There are only 4 driver releases in the past year that I'm certain work (11.7, 11.8, 11.9 and 12.1+) so unless you're using one of those you won't get work for it. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 53002)
Posted 10 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Right -- but it did for me -- two different systems -- and one not all that much different from yours -- Phenom II 925, Win 7 64 bit, 4850 and BOINC 7.0.08. FYI, 12.1 drivers don't break Collatz - I tried them. However, I quickly moved up to 12.2 (in pre-release) because of issues with the video converter (nothing to do with BOINC). 12.2 works fine with MW and Collatz - both CAL and OpenCL are working. CAUTION - since this is pre-release, I'm not recommending anyone move to Catalyst 12.2 (which they now call AMD Vision) - your risk & peril. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 53001)
Posted 10 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Just as a follow up note, I had the same result on a Win7 64 bit configuration -- and since (for whatever reason) with that combination I did not see any MW workunits come in, I reverted -- Boinc 7.08, HD 4850, Win7 64 bit, Catylist 11.4. I had issues with 11.10 at the OS level. That combination seems to work fine with Collatz, Moo, and even POEM. MW -- nope, it doesn't like the Catalyst version (or so it reports). I have three or four workstations which for some reason download a BUNCH of MW .82's to chew on -- I am letting them process (temporarily suspending Collatz and Moo on those systems). I mean well over 100 workunits. I suspect they came through when Matt put .82's back in the queue but for some reason they weren't under the 25 work unit limit control. I figure, no big deal, since those are just about the ONLY systems in my farm that can currently get and process MW work, I figure at the moment that balances things out a bit. I am still hoping that some brilliant mind figures out the right combination of variables to work like *normal* as the current, try this, try that clearly is trying one thing === *patience*. So for now, I'll wait on the right combination being confirmed that works for configurations like mine (and doesn't mess up Collatz, Moo or POEM at the same time). Rick, from what I've seen, 12.1 doesn't break Moo, but it DOES break Collatz. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 52984)
Posted 9 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Well it did for me -- HD 4850, Win XP, BM 7.0.08. The thing is, right now we are solving for five variables (AMD video card, OS, BM, AMD driver, and GPU application). Makes it difficult to troubleshoot. What I think we can state is that earlier (pre 1.0 deploy) these issues were seemingly quiet. I figure I will things settle out perhaps waiting on more serial number 01a experiences to result in a version stability scenario. So I'll watch and wait -- and while that goes on, let Collatz, Moo, and to a lesser degree POEM run ATI GPU traffic. Rick, from what I've seen, 12.1 doesn't break Moo, but it DOES break Collatz. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 52976)
Posted 9 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Rick, from what I've seen, 12.1 doesn't break Moo, but it DOES break Collatz. It does seem that as the various projects engage in a 'my update is better than yours' war, that it has become more difficult to work with multiple GPU projects. Sort of an Anti-BOINC philosophy. All in all, I think the jury is in on the alpha product Separation 1.00. We had a good run after the hardware upgrades were deployed at the beginning of the month. But now it seems that MW has found a new way to drop down on my GPU project list. This workstation is running 7.08 (beta, but both MW and POEM seem to compel that change), and 12.1 on an XP workstation along with a 4850. No joy from MW -- either they don't have work, or the work doled out is in hold due to the high number of computation errors kicked up by folks attempting to get 1.0 to work with various hardware and software versions. I generated a ton of comp errors with an earlier version of BOINC and an earlier version of the ATI driver myself. So, for now, I'll stay with older versions of ATI since I hate punishing the one long term reliable ATI GPU project out there (Collatz) due to trouble generated by other projects. Edit,I reverted to ATI 11.10 - solved the Collatz problem - not getting work from MW right now, but it seems to me that is more the project side problem then end users there. I figure that MW folks will eventually figure out an application combination that 'regular people' can work with. I think the current 'try this, try that' *requirement* and report back, given the variables that are out there, is simply too onerous for those with other lives to lead. For me, my GPU hardware is pretty much HD 4850 -- good price/performance and power requirement point for me. My OS environment is XP, Win7 32, and Win 7 64. The ATI drivers range from 11.4 to 11.10. The BM versions range from 6.10.58 to 6.12.34 to 7.0.08. The 7.10.08 turned out to be a requirement for POEM ATI GPU support. That is one of the 'downsides' there (forcing a beta manager), though 7.0.08 isn't too bad. The other downside over in POEM land is that they went with CreditNew -- which results in strange (and typically low credit) results with limited standardization in terms of actual calculations performed. But that's a rant for another venue. For now, it looks like MW will go in stasis for me -- attached but not able to get work. As a point of information my HD 4770 (11.6, BOINC 6.12.34, winXP32, AMD64 3800+) has been very unhappy with the change to OpenCL. Host 179083 ( http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/show_host_detail.php?hostid=179083 ) gets OpenCL work, but promptly errors out with -1073740777 (unknown error). I detached and tried again with the same result. |
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Separation updated to 1.00
(Message 52890)
Posted 9 Feb 2012 by BarryAZ Post: OK - working thru the myriad messages here I tried to get this to work on a Win64 with a 4850 and can't get new work. I copied out the app file posted here. I manually downloaded the exe. I updated to 7.08, and copied the exe file and html file to the MW project folder. Currently, I am getting - no work available. Perhaps that is actually the case at the moment. I suppose this sort of 'try this, try that' mode is to be accepted when a project reverts to alpha status after a few weeks of running quite well. Not having the time to fool with it at the moment, nor the inclination to manually tweak a batch of systems as is currently required, I guess I'll wait for the beta version of the update to be available -- one that would at least allow a detatch/reattach of MW to run instead of the collection of interventions now in place. Some of this same sort of complexity is going on over with POEM as they went to ATI support -- required 7.08 to run for one. The downside over there is that as they had all that development effort, they lacked the resources to stave off the CreditNew monster -- at least we don't have THAT here. |
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New server test post
(Message 52347)
Posted 10 Jan 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Looks like something went bump in the night - and from what I can tell is still in recovery mode (noon PST)... |
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New server test post
(Message 52298)
Posted 7 Jan 2012 by BarryAZ Post: OK -- got the three remaining laggards working -- for the Vista box, I did a power down, then boot to safe mode, then restart. Once the client got started MW was working again. For the Win 7 boxes, a bit simpler, shut down BOINC, command prompt, the IPCONFIG /flushdns then IPCONFIG/Release then IPCONFIG/Renew. Then restarted BOINC. Thanks, I still have a handful of workstations with completed tasks that won't get reported. The error message is:Some combination of restarting BOINC and hitting "Do network communication" should fix it. This is some kind of client defect. |
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New server test post
(Message 52281)
Posted 7 Jan 2012 by BarryAZ Post: I still have a handful of workstations with completed tasks that won't get reported. The error message is: 1/7/2012 9:36:01 AM | Milkyway@home | Reporting 8 completed tasks, not requesting new tasks 1/7/2012 9:36:04 AM | Milkyway@home | Scheduler request failed: HTTP file not found I know that I can get these workstations running with MW by detaching and rejoining, but that will toss away completed results. If I had known exactly when the transition was to start, I could have suspended MW right then -- positioning for a no work loss detach (I have several workstations I have done that with and they are running 'new MW' just fine). So the (simple I hope) question is, is there anything I can do short of detaching which will work for this handful of workstations? If not, I'll simply sign and toss out the baby with the bathwater by detaching and giving up about 25 work units. Currently those workstations are doing Collatz or Moo without any problems. |
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New server test post
(Message 52234)
Posted 5 Jan 2012 by BarryAZ Post: Could well be the case (I wonder if that is something that could have been avoided - possibly not). The good news here with the 'detatch' approach, here is a case where the hyper short caches for GPU's actually mitigates. Even those with completed GPU work lose less than an hour of processed results. For my 4850's it is about an hour (though for most of them I suspended processing before the 12 units were completed). Maybe the new server is at a new ip address, and dns is taking its time. |
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New server test post
(Message 52229)
Posted 5 Jan 2012 by BarryAZ Post: OK -- what has worked for me is a detach and rejoin at the workstation. This means any previously completed but not reported work (as none of us knew exactly when the server changeover was going to happen) is lost, but new work is available and the http failure is resolved. I don't know the specifics of why that works and a reset doesn't work, but I'm sure some of the other users can speculate on this and perhaps let the folks at RPI know. No WU for more than 12 days. |
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Number crunching :
New job ?
(Message 52226)
Posted 5 Jan 2012 by BarryAZ Post: I suspect that once the actual tech folks who have performed the new server set up and change over figure out what last steps need to be done they will act on it. Then once they have done that, they will convey to the project admin folks we see online (who I am pretty sure are NOT the actual tech folks) the details. Once that is done we probably will see things begin to work again and we may get some information regarding the process. Until that sequence is completed, I suspect we will all be in speculation mode in the absence of information here. Hello, |
Message boards :
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Moving to a new server
(Message 52163)
Posted 1 Jan 2012 by BarryAZ Post: At a guess, the project folks are still 'in process' regarding the change over. Perhaps when the new hardware is fully in place and things are fully cut over, there will be a software change as well, replacing the 'post-active' information and status information with a 'pre-active' information and status transmittal. We can hope anyway. I figure that sometime in the coming week things will be completed, and sometime AFTER that, information regarding the planned timing for the last week of December and the first week of January will trickle out. Is the new server on ? There is still no work available... |
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Moving to a new server
(Message 52145)
Posted 31 Dec 2011 by BarryAZ Post: I am sure that sometime after the change over is complete and running just fine we will get a newsflash indicating what the plan and timing of the change over were... |
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New Server
(Message 51852)
Posted 6 Dec 2011 by BarryAZ Post: Here's hoping that the new server does resolve the frequent outage scenario (such as the one which started about 5 or 6 hours ago and appears set to continue onto tomorrow). |
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Number crunching :
Radeon 6790 - no double precision - impossible!
(Message 51711)
Posted 18 Nov 2011 by BarryAZ Post: Would be interesting, remember to include the cost of a dedicated circuit as well along with the batch of fans. I wonder what power of PSU on needs to run a dual HD6990 set up? That is 2 x HD6990 with each HD6990 running a double HD6970 card under the same cover. |
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