Last updated 11 Mar 2025, 17:45:04 UTC

cityme ("OS: Microsoft Windows 7: Professional x86 Edition, Service Pack 1,...")
CouCou ("Tech informatique et robotique sénior de Québec QC. Je joue de la musique assisté...")
Camille ("Hi ! Well welcome there, I'm a lambda person that has a gaming computer. And since I have...")
Cesar De la Rosa ("Hello ")
Chris ("I beleive in UFO's, Ghosts, "the paranormal", psychic ability in humans, spirit guides,...")
Carl W ("Simple man just trying to help further the cause of scientific exploration")
Chooka ("I live just outside of Brisbane, Australia. I'm a boilermaker by trade but currently...")
Carl Cloer ("Retired CIO living on the MS Gulf Coast. Married, w/6 grandchildren. Hobbies include the...")
carlos sierra ("estdudiante de ing.Telecomunicaciones")

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