Last updated 11 Mar 2025, 17:45:04 UTC

Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] ("I'm 49 and involved in multiple DC projects. Married with 2 boys. I am a proud member of...")
Cebion ("Hello, I'm from Hannover, married for long years ago, have 3 childs, 2 grandchilds and a...")
Conan ("Love Science and Astronomy. Love the Australian Bush with it's unique plants and...")
Crunch3r ("BOINC UNITED - an International Team participating in BOINC volunteer computing...")
Chris H ("Name: Chris Age: 34 Location: Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK Team: Wales SETI...")
caspr ("well, I'm a retired truck driver of 20+Yrs from the middle of the United States. I enjoy...")
Cube ("Fondatore del team BOINC@Marche, lavoro come tecnico in un'azienda. Amo la lettura ed in...")
Carl Norwood ("I am 35 yrs old. Live in NW England. Have many interests. I run my own karaaoke business...")
Cyclops ("Howdy! I live in Alberta Canada, am 43 years old and divorced. I have two grown daughters...")
cuihao ("大家好,我是Team...")

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