Last updated 26 Dec 2024, 16:55:04 UTC

David ("I live in the Sandia Mountains east of Albuquerque, New Mexico, with my wife, Diane. I am a...")
Destin65 ("Just a regular guy who has an avid interest in music, computers, astronomy and online...")
Denis ("MilkyWay@Moldova")
Dan Sargent ("Hello fellow crunchers! “On March 24, 2005 Team SETI.USA was created to...")
Daniel ("Auf der Erde steht zurzeit alles still, da draußen gibt es immer Fortschritte.")
Doug ("Location: Quinby, Va Age: 71 Occupation: Retired from IT (49+ years) Hobbies: ...")
dskagcommunity ("Rea Rosa is my Name, born in 1980 and living in Austria :)")
Daniel ("I was born in 1969, a time when there was still no Personal Computers,...")
DesertLife149 ("nothing interesting here.")

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