Last updated 26 Dec 2024, 16:55:04 UTC

daveandton ("Husband and wife from Australia, both of who love crunching for science. Members of a great...")
Dr. Atanu Maulik ("I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in physics at Bose Institute, Kolkata, India. My...")
declis ("")
DigiMaster ("Birth date: 16 Nov xxxx Education: ecologist/biologist (master's degree), geographer...")
Dave ("I'm a retired physicist, born and educated in Michigan. I spent my entire career in the...")
David Blackburn ("Marines 1957-60. Navy 1962-66. BS Northern Arizona University 1969. JD University of...")
Dinger McDope
DericCaster ("I Like Red Dwarf ;)")
Death ("born dead ---- Jodis")
david gunnells ("I am married, father of two: I live in Birmingham, AL and am a webmaster and...")

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