Last updated 3 Dec 2024, 16:55:05 UTC

Formicid ("Now living in Southern Illinois. Age: 44 Occupation: Educator (high school science -...")
Floh von Mausefang ("My name is Klaus Bauer. I am from Siegen, Germany. April 2009 I became 50 years old. Since...")
Fra_cool [CAMP] (" Hi to all! My name is Francesco and I'm a 32 yo mech engineer. I started distributed...")
FedsRevenge ("Hi there, I'm from Norway. 29 years old and are currently not working due to many reasons...")
Filavandrel ("")
Floyd ("Floyd")
forever_intel_and_nvidia ("Form China.")
Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] ("I am a telecommunications worker that likes to crunch to try to make the world a better...")

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