Last updated 25 Mar 2025, 17:50:04 UTC

Greeri ("When I look at the smiles on all the children's faces, I just know they're about to jab me...")
Grizz ("I live in Aurora Ontario where I started to crunch the numbers with the original SETI....")
grmbl ("Ich bin damals zu Zeiten von SETI@home Classic auf network computing aufmerksam geworden....")
Greenways Court ("Member of The UK BOINC Team. Join us here Join the UK BOINC Team:...")
Gnu ("")
Greg* ("Rejointoyez vite l'alliance francophone. Ici")
gravitysmith ("My interests are varied, and I have always enjoyed being a gravitysmith. Still I am...")
Groundhog ("Hi folks, I am with distributed computing since I joined Seti@Home in June 1999. I...")
gintaras46 ("I like to know that my computers can help science.")
Genesis Urmel39 (".")

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