Last updated 13 Mar 2025, 17:45:05 UTC

L3v3l0rd ("I started to work for distributed computing in 2003 with Seti@Home. Afterwards I took part...")
Luis R. Resto* ("I was born in Comerio, Puerto Rico. I'm a Software Engineer, hobbies include playing...")
Larry ("I am retired but still climbing mountains and keeping abreast of physics and astronomy.")
lost68er ("Hi! My name is Frank, I live in Berlin-Pankow, Germany (former east-Berlin). I am 42 years...")
LAPD ("45 year old man living in Denmark. Like Si-fi movies and the universe in general.")
Li Yong ("Member of Team...")
Lee Hee Lak ("When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but...")
leoniceno ("sono Leoniceno, vengo dal Veneto, il mio sogno è allevare emys orbicularis")
Luis FMW ("Luis F. Mendoza W. I'm from Guadalajara Mexico 44 years old My web page:...")

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