Last updated 13 Mar 2025, 17:45:05 UTC

Levi ("built a new computer and felt it would be a waste if it was just sitting there when I'm not...")
Larry ("Retired homebody. I've been in IT since 1970s. Amateur radio call sign WA5PCR. Taught radio...")
Lou ("Hi, I'm Lou and 16 years old. I live in Germany near Wiesbaden and I hava many Hobbies like...")
Luna ("I'm Luna, I help render the milky way with my little server and occasionally my desktop.")
lortega ("Hello!! I live in Mexico, 27 years old, Electronic Engineer, Science and technology lover.")
Logan ("Just an 18 year old computer science student who happens to love our universe.")
lombardo-geosystems ("Keeper of, an OpenStreetMap based web map system of Italy")
LesCap ("A novice with a telescope and ccd camera, able to capture digitized fuzzballs of pieces of...")

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