Last updated 11 Sep 2024, 16:25:04 UTC

PeteBB ("PS I am a mister named Peach (causes confusion; makes people smile!) -:) D.O.B.: 22...")
PC ("I am interested in science and knowledge, in the form of entertainment and ways to help you...")
Pavel Solc - Slon21
PhilTheNet ("J'aime apprendre, découvrir et être moins bourricot jour après jour :)")
promina ("I was in the U.S. Army for 10 years as a Satellite Communications Operator. I now work for...")
Peter Redeker ("My name is Peter (Bo) I work in health care but previously in IT for 12 years. I have...")
pwnpower ("Ich bin Niclas und komme aus Zweibrücken,Deutschland Ich beschäftige mich gerne...")
pons66 ("Hi there, I am a chemist and I live in Stuttgart. Professionally I am working as a...")
PDW ("Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to crunch we go...")

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