Last updated 20 Dec 2024, 16:55:04 UTC

SETI@BigBit ("Sem clovek soutezivyho typu, ted prave soutezim o to kolik lidi premluvim k pocitani na...")
Sparrow Letov ("I'm retired and living in Minnesota. I formerly worked in IT, and as a photojournalist....")
Scott C. Palmer ("I am a graduate of American Military University with a Bachelors of Science in Space...")
silent Float ("^^ ^^^ ^^^^^")
SunnyLrt ("Woof Woof Roof Hoof Roof Hoof??")
Slayer ("Hi. I am founder of")
Steve ("Hello, Steven here from Utah. I am currently in a graduate program for healthcare...")
Sir Stooper ("I'm just a little ol' Knight shrubbing away in hopes to find the Holy Shrubbery along with...")

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