Last updated 7 Sep 2024, 16:25:04 UTC

SebW ("Trener i zawodnik judo")
Steve Harmon ("Retired UH-60 Blackhawk Pilot and Electronic Warfare Officer for the U.S. Army for over 20...")
sam iam ("amateur: cosmologist, particle physicist, radio astronomer, systems engineer, exobiologist,...")
Sphynx ("I've been a member of SETI.USA since 2010. My personal interests include Crunching,...")
sdlm ("I`am student from city Kemerovo")
s3by ("My name is sebastian. i live in romania( Transilvania) since i was a kid i observed the...")
sudec ("a")
Sebastian ("31 years old")
Strandkievit ("Hope to see the Milky Way in 3D at my during my lifetime. Nice to set my HD4870-GPU to...")

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