Last updated 7 Dec 2024, 16:55:04 UTC

Suprascience ("")
Skip7 ("Born in Alnwick, Northumberlad, ENGLAND. Widowed 2 Grown sons Avtivities: RANET UK. ...")
SnarkyPantsX ("Utah, Not quite retired yet, USAF")
Stefan ("Ich Bin Stefan, 42 Jahre alt und wohne in Baden-Württemberg (Germany). Meine Hobbies...")
socalcrypto ("go army")
SpaceBro ("Acute and chronic hyperflexion and hyperextension can cause a knee injury. The injury is...")
StrongPainter ("computers are a hobby for me. Time to put them to use!")
SKB@P VPS ("Supported by the BOINC@Poland Team Supported by SKB@P VPS Comrades: tito, chr80, Krzysiak,...")
Senaullah Nuristani
supremelysorcerous ("Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content. But a kingdom...")

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