Last updated 20 Dec 2024, 16:55:04 UTC

sciagacz ("Witam wszystkich Pochodze z Polski Mieszkam w Warszawie Od niedawna zaczÄ…Å‚em...")
Samdani ("Hi there. My name is Samdani. I live in Islamabad, Pakistan. I am currently working in Agri...")
SexXxyNinja ("Who the fuck cares? I like reading, talking long walks with my special guy to get slushies...")
SubaruSVX ("Go Red!")
Stealth Eagle* ("I live in Klamath Falls, Oregon, I drive for a living, My hobbies are reading, working with...")
star_gazer ("My name is Mke. I am a computer systems administrator. I live in Assumption Il. USA. My...")
shaf* ("I'm just another hacker. Crunching since 1999.")

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