Last updated 25 Mar 2025, 17:50:04 UTC

ThEfT ("Hi, my name is Manuel. I'm born in 1980 and originally from Germany (near Heidelburg /...")
Travis ("I'm a PhD student at RPI working on the computer science aspects of MilkyWay@home.")
tiker ("About me... well.. I'm a boring guy. I live in Ontario, Canada, I am married with two...")
Trog Dog ("Stark raving BOINCers! I've been bitten by the BOINC bug. I started off with SETI...")
ThePhantom86 ("I'm from a little town outside of Waco, TX called McGregor but I moved to Indiana in April...")
Toxic ("And I thought this project was about making the perfect chocolate bar......")
T`Plon Makh-zhuksu ("I live in Des Moines, Iowa and I'm a member of Starfleet, The International Star Trek Fan...")
Terry ("Hi, I'm Terry and I belong to the best team on the internet AMD Users! We have on of the...")
Tree Of Life
Tick ("..::IM HoME::.. HoME = House of Mental Entities The House of Mental Entities...")

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