Last updated 28 Mar 2025, 17:50:04 UTC

taurec ("Proud member of SETI.Germany - Greets to all supporting scientific...")
Ti ("Hello from WV.")
Trekkie ("21 year-old nerd who happily donates unused resources to science. Occupation: Currently...")
Tuska ("People usually call me Tuska though it isn't my real name. I live in France, near...")
Tricky Niki ("Intel Xeon E3-1230V2 ATi ASUS HD 6950 Nvidia Sparkle Geforce 9600 GT Physicist Student...")
Trebor ("Yip")
TGaff ("47y.o. guy,resting ;-) ,amateur astronomer, Scotland. Hence no observing the sky...")
Thomas Dimoff ("Ich glaube daran dass es mehr gibt wie nur uns. Die Frage ist wo und in welcher Form es...")

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