Last updated 25 Mar 2025, 17:50:04 UTC

XJR-Maniac ("I'm from Duesseldorf (Germany) and currently working as a B-level client supporter at the...")
XaaK ("To boinc, or not to boinc, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to...")
ximoso ("")
XgenX ("Synthetic aperture life. Fullerton, CA ")
Xenotaur ("Voyager in books. Explorer by nature. Scientist by profession.")
xoubi (" TitanesDC Team Member :) TitanesDC ")
x3RxiS ("tH3 w0RLd we liv3 in, is a sHinY pLaCe in sPacE... wHat`s 0uT 0f sPacE???")
xnaldax ("Hello from Czech republic - Pecka :)")
XSmeagolX (" Member of Team...")

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