Last updated 28 Mar 2025, 17:50:03 UTC

Dingo ("I was a Beta tester for BOINC and founder of team BOINC@AUSTRALIA...")
Craig Marsh ("I work on a station in the rivarina,NSW Australia stumbled across Boinc by accident thought...")
vaughan ("I'm the Co-site Admin at the AMD Users Distributed Computing Team forum")
Trog Dog ("Stark raving BOINCers! I've been bitten by the BOINC bug. I started off with SETI...")
mgpower0 ("34 Queensland Australia, crunching for BOINC@AUSTRALIA, motor mechanic by trade")
veebee ("Proud member of BOINC@Australia. Just your average 40 something yr old living in Oz and...")
zed ("I'm a 30 something from Melbourne Australia who is between jobs at the moment and enjoying...")
Processor (" You are be looking to thief my milky credits hmmmms?")
Vamp ("I am currently working on my team totals for Boinc@Australia. I have to say the best team...")
blackheeler ("BOINCing on the west coast of Australia!")

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