Last updated 28 Mar 2025, 17:50:03 UTC

Cecilio Benevides
Wolzer ("...")
Gustavo Mazzarollo
Valter Jorge ("Im from Brazil, student, and like astronomics and computer science.")
Fredguapo ("")
Carlos R. Moreira ("Born Nov/74, Living in Gramado/RS - Brazil I've started with Seti@Home back in 1999/2000...")
Andrea Spada ("I'm a luthier and double bassist. I love read and thought about astrophysics and cosmology.")
Slightly Quantum ("Computer Science major, motorsports enthusiast, die hard Internacional Porto Alegre fan and...")
Rodrigo Silva ("35 years old from Rio de Janeiro, the next Olympic City :) Computer geek, professional...")
Alec N Silva ("Hi,my name is Alec. I'm from Brazil [BOINC@Brasil Team ]. I like to calcluate for BOINC!...")

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