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MW app is misidentifying gpu

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Profile Joseph Stateson

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Message 56932 - Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 18:57:08 UTC
Last modified: 17 Jan 2013, 19:07:32 UTC

In a system that had both gtx460 and hd5850 I pulled out th ATI cypress board and put in a 2nd nvidia gtx460 temporarily here for a PrimeGrid challenge that cannot use ATI. That just completed today and I turned MW back on without putting the HD5850 back in. MW is rejecting all nvidia tasks, even though they use to run when a single gtx460 was still in the system alongside the HD5850

On the 9th (the day I put in the 2nd gtx460) it seems I dont have an nvidia gpu even though it is shown here

    1/9/2013 1:50:10 PM NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 460 (driver version 310.90, CUDA version 5.0, compute capability 2.1, 1024MB, 8381367MB available, 907 GFLOPS peak)
    1/9/2013 1:50:10 PM NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 460 (driver version 310.90, CUDA version 5.0, compute capability 2.1, 1024MB, 940MB available, 907 GFLOPS peak)
    1/9/2013 1:50:10 PM App version needs OpenCL but GPU doesn't support it
    Milkyway@Home 1/9/2013 1:50:10 PM Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
    1/9/2013 1:50:10 PM Config: use all coprocessors
    1/9/2013 1:50:10 PM Config: GUI RPC allowed from any host

Then starting about 11am local time I re-enabled MW and I get these error messages. There were no old MW tasks and all the errors message were from new tasks that were downloaded after I set "allow new tasks".

    1/17/2013 11:51:00 AM App version needs OpenCL but GPU doesn't support it
    Milkyway@Home 1/17/2013 11:51:00 AM Scheduler request completed: got 16 new tasks
    Milkyway@Home 1/17/2013 11:51:00 AM [error] App version uses non-existent NVIDIA GPU
    Milkyway@Home 1/17/2013 11:51:00 AM [error] Missing coprocessor for task de_separation_11_sSgr_1_1356215205_12166343_1; aborting

MW is simply rejecting all NVIDIA thinking they were for an ATI card.

I assume a reset of project will correct the problem but, IMHO, this shows a problem with recognition of video boards in the MW (or maybe BOINC) code. The HD5850 has a fan problem and it may be sometime before I get it back in.

Thread named "App version needs OpenCL but GPU doesn't support it" has the same problem as I do. However, I have another system with three gtx460 and same boinc 28 version and it has no problem with gtx460. The problem here is that the ATI used to run MW projects and is now missing and the MW (or BOINC??) has gotten confused.

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Message 56937 - Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 22:10:54 UTC

Is Use Nvidia GPU selected in your Milkyway preferences? I forgot to change it when I switched to an AMD card awhile back.
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Profile Joseph Stateson

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Message 56940 - Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 0:34:15 UTC - in response to Message 56937.  
Last modified: 18 Jan 2013, 0:45:24 UTC

It is set for "default" and for default I use
cpu: no
amd: yes
nvidia: yes

MW does not keep a long enough history for me to check previous WUs to verify that the gtx460 had worked two weeks ago. There is a BOINC client post about how BOINC checks for the opencl library in a subdirectory here so it appears that BOINC decides if the opencl is available. I wonder if that is only for ATI and not NVIDIA or vice-versa.

gpu cps capability shows I have opencl 1.1

I did not bother uninstalling the ATI driver. Maybe that needs to be done to avoid confusion.

[EDIT] I just ran the "opencl demo" and IT FAILED. Said something to the effect that "open cl was not supported on this platform". Obviously this is a problem with my drivers and the removal of the ATI card and not MW or BOINC. Maybe it was trying to run the ATI opencl that was left as I didnt uninstall ATI???
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Profile Joseph Stateson

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Message 56941 - Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 0:54:43 UTC


After uninstalling and rebooting that gpu cps program was able to run the open cl nvidia demo.

Question: I wonder if opencl will run on both boards at the same time? It seem to me that both BOINC and that gpu caps utility should be able to discriminate between opencl_nvidia and opencl_ati

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Profile arkayn

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Message 56944 - Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 3:14:27 UTC - in response to Message 56941.  


After uninstalling and rebooting that gpu cps program was able to run the open cl nvidia demo.

Question: I wonder if opencl will run on both boards at the same time? It seem to me that both BOINC and that gpu caps utility should be able to discriminate between opencl_nvidia and opencl_ati

Yes it will, at one time I had a GTX-670 and HD7750 installed and both of them used OpenCL just fine.

The HD7750 got replaced by a GTX-650 Ti.
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Profile Joseph Stateson

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Message 56945 - Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 3:36:25 UTC - in response to Message 56944.  

The HD7750 got replaced by a GTX-650 Ti.

Interesting - I picked up a GTX650 TI last week and am disappointed, at least here at MilkyWay, with its performance. It is taking 1494 seconds to get a WU complete compared to 744 seconds for an old gtx280. However, it does work better in PrimeGrids double precision "Genefr" than my gtx280. It also fits nicely on a motherboard that cannot take even a 2/3 length card.

I have been working on an excel spreadsheet that shows results after running that PrimeGrid challenge --

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Message boards : Number crunching : MW app is misidentifying gpu

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