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Bifrost Technologies

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Description Bifrost Technologies develops AI software solutions for Earth, Health and Security. 8 Ways AI Assistants Will Revolutionize Business Summary: AI assistants are changing the face of business by improving workflows, communication, scheduling, task tracking, travel, shopping, and even the hiring process all the while collecting data which can be utilized for marketing and other business services. The words ”artificial intelligence” evoke fear from behind the eyes of employees. “Will AI take my job?” many workers ask. Some businesspeople have turned their focus to developing stronger soft skills because this is a human-centric (for now) quality that is expected to grow in demand over the coming years. Some are avoiding AI altogether, offering pushback as new technologies enter the workplace. However, some forward-thinking workers are looking to integrate with our artificially intelligent counterparts, utilizing their skills for tasks which they perform best and freeing time and energy to perform better on other, more human-centric tasks. No matter your stance on AI in the workplace, there is no questioning the fact that artificial intelligence as a whole and AI assistants specifically are revolutionizing business. Improve Workflow AI assistants help workers improve their workflows in several ways. For one, users of voice-controlled AI assistants don’t have to break their flow to quickly note an idea, change the song, or add a task to their to-do lists. Similarly, many AI assistants integrate with applications workers already know and love such as Dropbox and Evernote. Combine this functionality with IFTTT integration—offered by many AI assistants—and employees can automate many of their daily tasks. Some larger companies may also pursue programming their own functions into AI assistants, building AI-assisted workflows from the ground up. Alexa for Business, created by Amazon, offers this functionality. Faster Communication Time is money in the business world, and an excessive amount of time goes to sending messages back and forth with coworkers and other businesses alike. Whether it’s responding to day-to-day emails, trying to schedule meetings, or trying to plan trips, the average worker spends a lot of time per day writing and rewriting very similar messages. AI assistants often help communication through automation. For example, some AI assistants may offer suggestions of the auto-fill variety to speed up email writing. Others, like the AI at Conversica, can manage full email conversations all on its own. This form of AI can answer basic questions in emails in a very human-like fashion, but it knows when to pass the interview off to a human work as well. Schedule Better The same sort of AI assistant that handles basic email questions at Conversica can also help with scheduling, managing the back and forth of finding a good time to suit everyone without ever needing to spend human resources on the process. Another AI assistant, x.ai, performs a similar function. Amazon’s own Alexa for Business can assist with scheduling as well, allowing users in the network to book meeting rooms, extend meetings, and even join meetings from home via their own personal Alexas. Alexa and similar, popular AI assistants like Cortana and Siri can assist with hands-free, voice-controlled scheduling as well. Workers can ask them to add a task to their calendar or set a reminder, even when their hands are full, or they’re on the go. Manage Travel Plans AI personal assistants can help globetrotting business folks manage their plans. Not only can these smart personal assistants manage to schedule with other attendants, but some can also control the back and forth required to book appointments, others can check flight prices and automatically book the cheapest tickets when available, and others can make hotel reservations all on their own. This autonomy can save businesses who engage in much travel a lot of time and money, mainly because an AI can compare prices at speeds that are near-infinitely faster than a human can. Efficient Shopping As far as comparing prices goes, this is another useful function of AI personal assistants in business. When employees don’t have time to compare prices, businesses lose money, especially if they continue to order the same products initially bought for the same reason. AI assistants save time and money by comparing prices and even checking reviews to find the best, cheapest products that meet a company’s specifications. Assistants like Amazon’s Alexa can automatically order products with a simple voice command. Similarly, they offer “dashboard buttons” which allow employees to order with one touch. Because they are both Amazon products, they can be combined into a seamless workflow, especially for necessary supplies such as toner and paper. Quick To-Do Lists AI personal assistants can help employees stay on track and never forget a task. Voice-enabled assistants can take notes on tasks and set reminders without breaking a worker’s flow of concentration. Easy access to these lists can help users plan for the days ahead. Similarly, some smart assistants can help workers prioritize their tasks and track their productivity as well, automatically learning their habits and intentions over time. Automated Hiring Assistance Some task-specific AI personal assistants can even assist with the hiring process. Assistants like Restless Bandit, now partnered with Trustaff, can help source candidates for any job based on user prerequisites. Then, it can help find those candidates too—a dream in the making for HR professionals. Gathering Data Like any AI, personal assistants require data to learn. This allows more significant platforms to advance more quickly than smaller players only due to the sheer volume of data that trains their algorithms. This data collection process can have other benefits as well, such as discerning consumer habits. While this can be excellent information to have for marketers, this exchange of data can also be unsettling for consumers, primarily when it is utilized in the wrong ways. When kept in check, this data stream may provide a goldmine of insights for businesses who opt to use the ever-increasing power of AI personal assistants.
Created 2 Jan 2019
Web site http://www.bifrostai.tech
Total credit 1,125
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Cross-project stats BOINCstats.com
Country United States
Type Company
Founder Profile Nathan Martell
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Total members 1 (view)
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Generated 11 May 2024, 9:51:32 UTC