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Members of SaR Hessen

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) Matthias Ruppel 1,462,233 212.15 Germany
2) RoliLSD 955,867 0.09 Germany
3) Profile Frank Boerner 12,643 0.10 Germany
4) corleone13 10,261 0.07 Germany
5) kgszero 9,737 0.07 Germany
6) Werner1880 3,094 0.08 Germany
7) Bussi 1,892 0.10 Germany
8) Thia Netbook 533 0.09 Germany
9) Profile Sandrik 310 0.07 Germany
10) Cluster Man 219 0.09 Germany
11) Chris 91 0.09 Germany

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