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Members of University of Crete

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) Volax 3,602 0.10 Greece
2) Administrator 9,320 0.10 Greece
3) T4tR14 1,821 0.10 Greece
4) Dalton 3,845 0.10 Greece
5) Profile COMMUNISTIS G. KALEMAKIS 27,452 0.10 Greece
6) Aolemba Pongen 9,061 0.10 India
7) Philita 9,989 0.10 Virgin Islands
8) izybit 179,870 0.10 Greece
9) Blake 6,627 0.10 Cyprus
10) pac 397,657 0.10 None
11) ALTAiR-64 27,007 0.10 Greece
12) madhatter198 122,764 0.10 United States
13) chrivas 734,021 0.10 Greece
14) Areios 48,260 0.10 Greece
15) Ablaoubas 3,651 0.10 Greece
16) EMILIOS ''ZAPATA'' VAROTSIS 16,008,119 0.10 Greece
17) Kanavos 970,115 0.10 Greece
18) j0hnkyr 116 0.10 Greece
19) nikos 226,058 0.10 Greece
20) Filippos 2 0.10 Greece
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