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Message 4795 - Posted: 18 Aug 2008, 22:19:35 UTC - in response to Message 4794.  

...in the Thread up till now.


Let's see as a well known credit whore you attach this huge farm of yours to Cosmology because they were giving out excessive credits. They lower their granted credits and right around the same time Milkyway starts giving out excessive credits. So you move everything over here. And when Mr. Smarty Pants optimizes the code Grandpa gets upset because some young whipper snapper is kicking his old wrinkly butt in RAC. The hell with my SSI I want to rant about credits!

You suck.


Someone in the top 1% overall boinc with only an OLD cheesy Prescott and a part-time AMD who doesn't whore for credits.

Dang, and just when I thought we could be friends again ... Sincerely

PS: I suppose this means all the Invites I receive by PM to Join either the BOINC Synergy or SETI.USA Teams have been Voided out too & just when I was going to make a decision between the two ... :)

Those were fake. Plus they don't come with free credits. Didn't you notice the little ;) winky at the end?

Okay, since they were fake I'll take BOINC Synergy off my Short List of Teams to join then ... :P

Now I know you weren't born yesterday. Faaaaaaaar from it. But I doubt that fooled anyone. I'll take NEZ instead. You know, someone who is #1 and crunches for the science and not for the credits. Yay for #1!!
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[AF>Le_Pommier] McRoger

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Message 4796 - Posted: 18 Aug 2008, 23:11:29 UTC


Optimizing an open source code is not cheating.

And certainly not more than trying to get the most of your hardware by fine-tuning or overclocking it.

These are simply normal ways to progress: optimize the use of existing resources and if possible find a new way to achieve the same result with less resources (or better results with same resources)..

Crunch3r optimized the Mac Intel apps several months ago, after some weeks/months of testing, these were publicly released. That is a fact.

All the rest is philosophy (and I may be misleading but this might not be the place therefore) or trial of intentions.

Keep cool and keep on crunching. ;-)


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Message 4797 - Posted: 18 Aug 2008, 23:50:35 UTC

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Message 4798 - Posted: 18 Aug 2008, 23:54:13 UTC
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 0:08:33 UTC


Now this remember me the main story from a comic series (when I was young), and films from any years ago....

There are mutants who can have powers over the rest of the human community?

They want to use their power among the ordinary people?

It's a genetical change...?

Who can be frigtened for these extraordinary people...? Are bad people?

Crogmanon vs Neanthertal by example... Crogmagnon don´t survive in the natural selecction....

What is the next....? Homo opti app?

Is the ordinary people (like me) frigtined becouse there are one people with talent and more tecnical aknolegments than us?


Sorry my friend's for the joke...

[edit]Well I think there are some Cromagnons in a few goverments, but this is an other story....;)[/edit]

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Message 4799 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 0:14:48 UTC
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 0:33:10 UTC

Now seriously...

In the real life, you can learn and take profit of the lessons or die.

I know... It's sound very extremist, but it's true...

(Caballero Legionario Paracaidista del curso 435 perteneciente al Batallón Mixto de Ingenieros en la compañia de transmisiones y plana mayor) (A lot of years ago.... heheheh....)

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Message 4800 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 0:40:01 UTC
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 0:56:16 UTC

I'm 43 years old, but I can remenber what is the form to throw down any package from an C-130...

Any volunteer...?

Well, the packing list is open...

And the insingn in the black beret were that...


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Message 4801 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 1:26:09 UTC - in response to Message 4799.  

Now seriously...

In the real life, you can learn and take profit of the lessons or die.

I know... It's sound very extremist, but it's true...

(Caballero Legionario Paracaidista del curso 435 perteneciente al Batallón Mixto de Ingenieros en la compañia de transmisiones y plana mayor) (A lot of years ago.... heheheh....)

Hummm... I forget that in USA some people takes the phrases than literal... Mr. FBI, NSA, and CIA, please forget my word 'extremist' in that phrase...

Thanks a lot.

Then my friends of the IRS could not come for you....

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Message 4802 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 1:27:24 UTC - in response to Message 4800.  
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 1:40:57 UTC

Air drop some credits down to Poorboy. He's already asking for a 20-25% increase at Cosmo. Pretty soon he'll be back at SETI and the mods won't know what to do.

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Message 4803 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 1:41:44 UTC - in response to Message 4767.  
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 1:44:11 UTC

Sorry it's taking some time but i'm working out a fix for this. Basically i have to fiddle around with the validator to make sure these things aren't happening. Sorry we can't give you an immediate fix but needless to say i'm aware of it and working on a solution.

And just what do you propose to do? Wiping his credit because he can make an awesome optimized app? (All within the rules of open source computing) Patching the validator so that his credits are limited?

The only Fair way to "fix" this is to do nothing at all with his machines or his credit, but figure out what he has done to increase the speed of your bloatware. Then make it available to everyone from the project side. Better yet instead of threating Crunch3r, asking him for help. I kind of think he would help. (I know you have threatened him, but instead of threats, why not ask him for help?)

Wiping the credit of a contributor that has the ability of Crunch3r is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

You see, the problem with open source, and smart people, is they can take someone elses framework and build a better engine, one that runs faster. Or is this a problem.

Funny thing happened on the way to the credit war, more science got accomplished. Dang!!!
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Message 4804 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 2:01:53 UTC - in response to Message 4803.  

With fixed credits whether you optimize an app or upgrade your computer the result is the same. For Poorboy. Stare at it all you want.

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Message 4805 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 2:04:59 UTC - in response to Message 4803.  
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 2:12:09 UTC

Sorry it's taking some time but i'm working out a fix for this. Basically i have to fiddle around with the validator to make sure these things aren't happening. Sorry we can't give you an immediate fix but needless to say i'm aware of it and working on a solution.

And just what do you propose to do? Wiping his credit because he can make an awesome optimized app? (All within the rules of open source computing) Patching the validator so that his credits are limited?

The only Fair way to "fix" this is to do nothing at all with his machines or his credit, but figure out what he has done to increase the speed of your bloatware. Then make it available to everyone from the project side. Better yet instead of threating Crunch3r, asking him for help. I kind of think he would help. (I know you have threatened him, but instead of threats, why not ask him for help?)

Wiping the credit of a contributor that has the ability of Crunch3r is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

You see, the problem with open source, and smart people, is they can take someone elses framework and build a better engine, one that runs faster. Or is this a problem.

Funny thing happened on the way to the credit war, more science got accomplished. Dang!!!

I agree with you...

More science...? Not...! If the science is fastest than some users, is bad... It's a witch thing... or from a mutant people... do you know X-men...

Mutants are very dangerous people for the others who can't get their skills Someone have a word for this....? (I have it)

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Message 4806 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 2:49:07 UTC - in response to Message 4803.  

Yes, Crunch3r is one of the good guys and people involved in several projects benefit from his expertise.

When it comes to releasing code to the unwashed masses and possible official incorporation in to the project there really is not much incentive credit wise to do so.

With the more or less forced cross-project credit equality farce, any improvement effort is effectively nullified credit wise if it becomes widespread within the project.

Keeping things at the status quo and in step with the imaginary SETI median machine is important to the Ruler and Credit Enforcers. It seems not to matter that the median machine on SETI is probably slower than the median machine on other projects and in many cases the mature of the work is different.

Oh dear I find myself heading off into my canned anti-cross-project comparison rant, I'll stop now.

If someone crunches the work unit and it verified they should get the same credit for that work unit as anybody else would. It doesn't really matter how it was done as long as it's correct.


--Vaguely remembers being on strike from Seti@Home once before.

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Message 4807 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 3:59:35 UTC

Well I don't think Poorboy ever got over his disappointing adventure at SHOFT@home. (shoft discussion)

For those of you who don't know shoft@home was a Russian BOINC project that promised money in return for crunching. Oh sure they had credits in the testing phase but the snake oil that they sold was that they would have customers that would pay them to crunch this or crunch that. Crunchers who participated in Shoft would get a little share of that money. So Poorboy attached his whole farm on that pipe dream. He ranked #1 in credits far above anyone else. Then when Shoft was supposed to be up and running for business they ditched the @home part and everyone's account/credits went up in smoke; along with all that promised cash. Shoft gave everyone the shaft - Poorboy most of all. He's just never been the same since then.

Greed will get you every time.
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Message 4809 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 10:15:54 UTC
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 10:17:36 UTC

Come on Misfit, you must be losing your touch if thats all the better you can do. It's really kinda boring reading about 3 year old inconsequential dirt on a Project I ran for pure amusement & knew from the start nothing would ever come of it.

I expect way better from you Misfit, so get out there & get that Goggle Search going and show us all how you can really drag somebody thru the gutter when you apply yourself. It's what you do best & are known for across the BOINC Projects & so far these feeble & pathetic attempts just ain't cutting it & are way below your normal standards.

PS: If you need any good Keywords on where to dig up some really good dirt on me let me know & I'll give you some to get you steered in the right direction ... :)
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Message 4810 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 12:05:17 UTC
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 12:53:25 UTC

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Message 4811 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 12:05:19 UTC
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 12:09:43 UTC

Here, I'll even help you out Misfit since your slipping it seems, these are the Final Top 20 in the Stats @ the now Defunct Shoft Project ... If you need any more help let me know ... :)

Top participants

Rank Name Recent average credit Total Credit Country Participant since
1 PoorBoy 1,048.09 100,310.67 United States 29 Aug 2005 11:03:05 UTC
2 Alexander 336.19 42,795.06 Russia 30 Jul 2005 11:20:19 UTC
3 Team Aqua 156.66 37,225.69 United States 11 Sep 2005 6:12:34 UTC
4 KariAndr 176.60 16,721.46 Россия 27 Jul 2005 6:38:08 UTC
5 JohnB175 219.83 14,739.81 United States 29 Aug 2005 12:48:23 UTC
6 JAKA24 197.74 11,683.61 United States 10 Sep 2005 12:53:38 UTC
7 Lagu 70.49 9,145.10 Sweden 20 Aug 2005 22:39:08 UTC
8 vaughan 65.79 7,636.24 Australia 18 Aug 2005 5:18:20 UTC
9 AMDave 3.25 5,773.40 Australia 18 Aug 2005 13:19:56 UTC
10 chirchik 79.16 5,300.35 Россия 3 Aug 2005 3:32:29 UTC
11 Smal 48.62 4,716.27 Россия 16 Aug 2005 8:53:58 UTC
12 davy 56.96 4,139.64 Россия 1 Aug 2005 11:26:09 UTC
13 AlKar 0.12 4,034.83 Россия 28 Jul 2005 4:55:54 UTC
14 keithw1975 47.79 3,837.40 United States 28 Sep 2005 7:00:45 UTC
15 Ivan001 25.26 3,630.32 Россия 19 Aug 2005 10:36:05 UTC
16 Daddygeek 5.31 3,629.37 United States 11 Sep 2005 17:46:56 UTC
17 DmitryDolganov 2.75 3,350.88 Россия 27 Jul 2005 5:21:04 UTC
18 HOLOTRONO 14.75 3,261.36 Germany 13 Sep 2005 14:11:27 UTC
19 Mr.Wizard 54.17 3,216.70 United Kingdom 2 Sep 2005 14:34:43 UTC
20 xnix 9.75 3,055.93 Russia 1 Sep 2005 13:30:12 UTC
Next 20

Copyright © 2005 Shoft
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Message 4812 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 12:18:03 UTC

Misfit and Poorboy.

Please, if you have your differences, I think all the people of the furum will appreciate you will discussed it in private.

Best regards.

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Message 4813 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 12:35:15 UTC - in response to Message 4812.  
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 12:56:42 UTC

Misfit and Poorboy.

Please, if you have your differences, I think all the people of the furum will appreciate you will discussed it in private.

Best regards.

Ya your right Logan & I think all the people of the Forum will appreciate it too if you didn't clutter up other peoples Threads with Posts that have no bearing whatsoever on the Threads Original Subject Matter.

I don't have a Problem with Misfit, I love him really, really I do, he's my BFF, really he is, really he is ... :)

I also asked yesterday that the Project remove some of the clutter from the Thread. Like some of yours you made last night that have no bearing on the Original Subject Matter what so ever other than to muck it up. Also some of Misfits posts which are really no more than Troll Posts & my replies to him, since there doesn't seem to be any Mod's around I doubt it'll happen though ...
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Message 4814 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 12:48:54 UTC
Last modified: 19 Aug 2008, 12:50:57 UTC

So, here we are again. The same old story.

If a farmer has rodents in his corn and he decides to pay participants 1 penny for every one they catch. Hell, he will even provide a rudimentary trap.

So 200 participants decide to go out and catch these rodents.

199 of them are too busy doing other things, or too lazy to do anything else than to just use the trap the farmer gave them. Well, they do ok anyway, they are catching a decent amount of rodents every day anyway so why worry about it. Besides, they can just let use trap that farmer John gave them and be par with the rest of the group.
But one participant decides he needs to do more, do better. So he goes home, and works and works and works and works, and comes up with a better trap, one that catches 10 times the amount of rodents than the rest of the group.

But there is this poorboy, he does not like that one of the participants is catching more rodents than him, it does seem unjust. I mean, the poorboy is using what the farmer gave him, and just can not catch as many as the cruncher. So he complains and crys and tells everyone that he is leaving the fields and not coming back. He even goes so far as to complain to the farmer.

The farmer sees what is going on and thinks to himself, I need to do something about this, maybe I will have to take away all the money that I have paid to this cruncher for making a better trap. I will do this if he does not share this trap with the rest of the world. So he threatens cruncher with removal of his money if he will not help him out and show him what he has done to catch so many rodents.

People this is crap. If you wish to leave a project because someone has developed a better application than the standard one someone gave you then leave. And should Travis decide that he should unjustly strip credits from Crunch3r because of Crunch3rs ability to produce a faster application. Then this project is not worthy of mine or many others help.
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Message 4815 - Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 13:00:55 UTC - in response to Message 4814.  

So, here we are again. The same old story.

If a farmer has rodents in his corn and he decides to pay participants 1 penny for every one they catch. Hell, he will even provide a rudimentary trap.

So 200 participants decide to go out and catch these rodents.

199 of them are too busy doing other things, or too lazy to do anything else than to just use the trap the farmer gave them. Well, they do ok anyway, they are catching a decent amount of rodents every day anyway so why worry about it. Besides, they can just let use trap that farmer John gave them and be par with the rest of the group.
But one participant decides he needs to do more, do better. So he goes home, and works and works and works and works, and comes up with a better trap, one that catches 10 times the amount of rodents than the rest of the group.

But there is this poorboy, he does not like that one of the participants is catching more rodents than him, it does seem unjust. I mean, the poorboy is using what the farmer gave him, and just can not catch as many as the cruncher. So he complains and crys and tells everyone that he is leaving the fields and not coming back. He even goes so far as to complain to the farmer.

The farmer sees what is going on and thinks to himself, I need to do something about this, maybe I will have to take away all the money that I have paid to this cruncher for making a better trap. I will do this if he does not share this trap with the rest of the world. So he threatens cruncher with removal of his money if he will not help him out and show him what he has done to catch so many rodents.

People this is crap. If you wish to leave a project because someone has developed a better application than the standard one someone gave you then leave. And should Travis decide that he should unjustly strip credits from Crunch3r because of Crunch3rs ability to produce a faster application. Then this project is not worthy of mine or many others help.

LOL ... funny Kevint, I thought you'd be out Editing your Benchmarks Higher at the Non-Fixed Credit projects this early in the Morning ... :)
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