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Profile HRFMguy

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Message 72862 - Posted: 15 Apr 2022, 23:47:06 UTC

Or is there one already in play that I just don't see?

There is a BOINC user manual here: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/User_manual

Is that intended to be sufficient for MW@H users? Side note: I do see that there were 3 changes in April, so far, so someone at BOINC is updating it.

Some things are self explanatory, but not all. It would be nice to right click on a text string or field, and have an explanation pop up, or the entry limits for that field.
ID: 72862 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile mikey

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Message 72915 - Posted: 17 Apr 2022, 11:53:23 UTC - in response to Message 72862.  
Last modified: 17 Apr 2022, 11:55:12 UTC

Or is there one already in play that I just don't see?

There is a BOINC user manual here: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/User_manual

Is that intended to be sufficient for MW@H users? Side note: I do see that there were 3 changes in April, so far, so someone at BOINC is updating it.

Some things are self explanatory, but not all. It would be nice to right click on a text string or field, and have an explanation pop up, or the entry limits for that field.

Since the people who wrote Boinc lost all their funding they are entirely volunteers now and all have REAL jobs that require their attention, but if you'd be willing to volunteer your time to help, have you seen Mundays Boinc help stuff, they would love to have you. This threads is really old but may help:

And no I have never seen a Project by Project help list like you mentioned, it's always been a generic Boinc thing and then help is provided thru the Forums at each project by the Users and Admins as they have time.
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Profile HRFMguy

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Message 72948 - Posted: 18 Apr 2022, 0:28:12 UTC - in response to Message 72915.  

Or is there one already in play that I just don't see?

There is a BOINC user manual here: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/User_manual

Is that intended to be sufficient for MW@H users? Side note: I do see that there were 3 changes in April, so far, so someone at BOINC is updating it.

Some things are self explanatory, but not all. It would be nice to right click on a text string or field, and have an explanation pop up, or the entry limits for that field.

Since the people who wrote Boinc lost all their funding they are entirely volunteers now and all have REAL jobs that require their attention, but if you'd be willing to volunteer your time to help, have you seen Mundays Boinc help stuff, they would love to have you. This threads is really old but may help:

And no I have never seen a Project by Project help list like you mentioned, it's always been a generic Boinc thing and then help is provided thru the Forums at each project by the Users and Admins as they have time.

Thanks. Checked out the thread. It is a bit dated. It's 6 years old, so not quite as fast as Moore's Law for semiconductors, that's for sure. I was looking for something that addresses each choice that a user can make, probably as a pop up on right click, or pop up on hover. And then there is the stuff that Keith is doling out upon noobie forum questions, like my one about paging down into my large validation inconclusive list. I'll be damned, but I just totally did not see that. Not quite sure how to approach this. It could be that we just roll our own as a community in a new dedicated topic? or perhaps one of Tom's interns could help? Going back to the BOINC community does not seem like an option to me.
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Profile mikey

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Message 72972 - Posted: 18 Apr 2022, 11:49:09 UTC - in response to Message 72948.  

Or is there one already in play that I just don't see?

There is a BOINC user manual here: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/User_manual

Is that intended to be sufficient for MW@H users? Side note: I do see that there were 3 changes in April, so far, so someone at BOINC is updating it.

Some things are self explanatory, but not all. It would be nice to right click on a text string or field, and have an explanation pop up, or the entry limits for that field.

Since the people who wrote Boinc lost all their funding they are entirely volunteers now and all have REAL jobs that require their attention, but if you'd be willing to volunteer your time to help, have you seen Mundays Boinc help stuff, they would love to have you. This threads is really old but may help:

And no I have never seen a Project by Project help list like you mentioned, it's always been a generic Boinc thing and then help is provided thru the Forums at each project by the Users and Admins as they have time.

Thanks. Checked out the thread. It is a bit dated. It's 6 years old, so not quite as fast as Moore's Law for semiconductors, that's for sure. I was looking for something that addresses each choice that a user can make, probably as a pop up on right click, or pop up on hover. And then there is the stuff that Keith is doling out upon noobie forum questions, like my one about paging down into my large validation inconclusive list. I'll be damned, but I just totally did not see that. Not quite sure how to approach this. It could be that we just roll our own as a community in a new dedicated topic? or perhaps one of Tom's interns could help? Going back to the BOINC community does not seem like an option to me.

You might try contacting Richard Haselgrove, he's on all the Projects I think, as he's the guy who's coordinating all the new Boinc mods and versions, he might be able to point you to some place or some one where you can make it happen. If you know how to Program all the better.
ID: 72972 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile HRFMguy

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Message 72978 - Posted: 18 Apr 2022, 13:40:48 UTC - in response to Message 72972.  

Or is there one already in play that I just don't see?

There is a BOINC user manual here: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/User_manual

Is that intended to be sufficient for MW@H users? Side note: I do see that there were 3 changes in April, so far, so someone at BOINC is updating it.

Some things are self explanatory, but not all. It would be nice to right click on a text string or field, and have an explanation pop up, or the entry limits for that field.

Since the people who wrote Boinc lost all their funding they are entirely volunteers now and all have REAL jobs that require their attention, but if you'd be willing to volunteer your time to help, have you seen Mundays Boinc help stuff, they would love to have you. This threads is really old but may help:

And no I have never seen a Project by Project help list like you mentioned, it's always been a generic Boinc thing and then help is provided thru the Forums at each project by the Users and Admins as they have time.

Thanks. Checked out the thread. It is a bit dated. It's 6 years old, so not quite as fast as Moore's Law for semiconductors, that's for sure. I was looking for something that addresses each choice that a user can make, probably as a pop up on right click, or pop up on hover. And then there is the stuff that Keith is doling out upon noobie forum questions, like my one about paging down into my large validation inconclusive list. I'll be damned, but I just totally did not see that. Not quite sure how to approach this. It could be that we just roll our own as a community in a new dedicated topic? or perhaps one of Tom's interns could help? Going back to the BOINC community does not seem like an option to me.

You might try contacting Richard Haselgrove, he's on all the Projects I think, as he's the guy who's coordinating all the new Boinc mods and versions, he might be able to point you to some place or some one where you can make it happen. If you know how to Program all the better.

Thanks. Sent Richard a PM, so we will see what develops. No professional programming here. I did kit build an IMSAI 8080 once upon a time, late 70's, and did 8080 assembler under CPM. Ah, those were the days!! Yes sir, I was the first one on my block with 1k of RAM!!
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Profile mikey

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Message 73000 - Posted: 19 Apr 2022, 11:02:03 UTC - in response to Message 72978.  

Thanks. Sent Richard a PM, so we will see what develops.

That's a good thing

No professional programming here. I did kit build an IMSAI 8080 once upon a time, late 70's, and did 8080 assembler under CPM. Ah, those were the days!! Yes sir, I was the first one on my block with 1k of RAM!!

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Profile HRFMguy

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Message 73049 - Posted: 20 Apr 2022, 21:45:17 UTC

Here is my first content for the hopeful MW@H User Guide. Comment as you see fit. This was tested and I am running the double GPU version shown here. Thanks to bhorlor for opening the thread by the same title, and to Kiska, AndreyOR, Mikey, San-Fernando-Valley, and Keith Myers for contributing.

Multiple GPU WUs simultaneously

It may be possible to gain performance improvements in a single GPU, by running multiple WUs simultaneously. It depends on your hardware configuration and capabilities.

Using Notepad, create a file called app_config.xml.

If you don't use Notepad, you might run into problems, such as the system auto adds '.txt' on the end of the 'app_config.xml' file name. Meaning it won't work in Boinc. e.g app_config.xml.txt
Use a text editor to make/edit the file. A word processing program, such as MS Word, or Apache Open Office, will likely add other junk to the actual file, making it unreadable by Boinc.
Here is the contents of the file:


Replace >opencl_nvidia_101< with >opencl_ati_101< if you have an AMD card.
If you are running both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, then your file will look something like this:


avg_ncpus allocates an estimated amount of % of one CPU to service the GPU.

Ngpus allocates how many instances will run on a given GPU. 1= 1 instance, 0.5 = 2 instances, 0.25 = 4 instances, etc.

Save the file in folder C:\ProgramData\BOINC\projects\milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway. (This is the same folder that contains processing parameters and the star data.)

After saving, go to BOINC Manager, options pull down menu, and hit "read config files" as they need to be reloaded. You can also restart the client. I find that exiting the client and restarting works best for me.

It also may be the case that you see little or no performance improvement. So check your throughput before and after the change. In my case, I saw a 20% improvement. Your mileage may vary. You will also see an increase in power draw and temperature. I use HwiNFO64 to monitor that.
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Questions and Answers : Wish list : A MW@H User Guide

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