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Posts by North

1) Message boards : Cafe MilkyWay : new at this (Message 39085)
Posted 24 Apr 2010 by North
Hey there science buffs! My friend just told me about BOINC and I Downloaded the program day before yesterday and completed my first task to 100%. I have a few questions however, because Im not all that computer savvy...

First, when my friend showed me the program, he was working on global climates, he showed me a visual model of the work his computer was doing. I have not been able to pull up any visuals for the milky way project. If anyone can help me to open the appropriate windows, please let me know.

Also, I have the BOINC local manager up showing that my first task was complete, but I don't know how to open new projects, and I assume that I should always have at least one project running...

If you can help me out, let me know, give me an email at bfoundb42012@hotmail.com.


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