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Posts by 112sparky

1) Message boards : Application Code Discussion : Milkyway 0.23 (ati13ati) (Message 44501)
Posted 1 Dec 2010 by 112sparky
So am I not even worthy of an answer ? 50 million credits in two and a half months and I do not even rate a review. I am ranked 41st in the world in rac........ I am asking you a question, when do we get answered when we are top 30 in the world ?
2) Message boards : Application Code Discussion : Milkyway 0.23 (ati13ati) (Message 44270)
Posted 26 Nov 2010 by 112sparky
looking at the differences I am amazed that telling the preferences that I want 3 days worth of wu as a back up I get around 70 n body simulation 0.21 (sse2) these take my 980x@4ghz roughly 28 hours to crunch so a list of 70 of these are overkill the list Milkyway 0.23 (ati13ati) is no more than 8 I have not seen more than 8 ever on this machine. my 5870's crunch these in 1:24, or 84 seconds. collatz gives me a list of 50 gpu wu's. Dnetc they are the very best they give a whole page of gpu's. what is wrong with Milkyway ? why do i need 70 wu's that take 28hours each to complete and the gpu projects that take 84 second you give me 6 or 8 of them. I need more gpu wu's I like crunching milkyways work I get more credit crunching your work. it is faster that dnetc, Lord knows it is days faster that collatz but during the time it has taken me to write this short paragraph I have waited for work units to download ten times a few of them more than a few minutes and the message from the server is you have reached the maximum of 72 work units, no work sent. that is fine for a cpu based machine I have 72 cpu wu's I crunch them 12 at a time for 28 hours, what is wrong with giving me two (ati13ati) every 84 seconds or what would be the harm in giving me 72 gpu units and let the cpu's wait while they are crunching the 28 hour n body simulation 0.21 sse2
3) Message boards : Application Code Discussion : Milkyway 0.23 (ati13ati) (Message 44269)
Posted 26 Nov 2010 by 112sparky
Over the last two weeks your servers will not give me enough gpu wu's, I have plenty of cpu units to work but gpu units are non existent and in the messages it just say no work sent. what are the issues with gpu units or is it something to do with my machine ?

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