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Posts by JAWS

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Delay in getting new work units untill all work units have cleared (Message 69170)
Posted 9 Oct 2019 by JAWS
Sorry, wish I could edit. I don't know what I did but now I have at least 50 waiting. Maybe it was in the Boinc preferences. I bumped it back to 0.19 and it's running fine. thanks for all the help!
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Delay in getting new work units untill all work units have cleared (Message 69169)
Posted 9 Oct 2019 by JAWS
Ok sounds good. I'll give it a try. Yeah I could tell the WCG would pause one wu when MW@home was running. It's probably not helping I'm running that too. I bought the cpu for an old mining rig back in the day. Thanks for the help!

edit. ok that setting split the work on the gpu's. i waited for everything to finish. waited for the 1:30 countdown to finish. hit update downloaded 7 wu, device 0 had 3 and device 1 had 3. 1 left over. so it's working fine. Just only downloading 7 wu's at a time.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Delay in getting new work units untill all work units have cleared (Message 69167)
Posted 8 Oct 2019 by JAWS
Ok, so I'm not going crazy. I've been with seti since 2001, but this Sunday they had another outage. Instead of my gpu's just sitting there I attached to MW@home. I have two R9 280's and can't believe how fast they crunch a wu here. Having to manually update to receive any wu's threw me for a loop. I've been working on it for an hour trying different settings and then I find this thread. anyways, how do you guys get so many downloaded? I get 9 at a time, then I manually update to get 9 more. Is it just because I'm new? Just nice to see my older cards working so good! thanks for any info!

Your card is virtually identical to my s9000 and is capable of running 4 or even 5 at a time. That should allow for a larger download.

I was never able to run more than one at a time when taking part in that seti WOW event. However, the seti app I as running used CUDA while MW uses OpenCL. If a problem change both number to .25

Nice! I now see gpu0 running 4-5 wu's at a time. What do I add to have both gpu's run multiples? I have 2 280's. I think device 0 and 1.

Mikey, where would I find my cache size? In my computing preferences I have 5 days worth of work. and 5gb of work.

Thanks again for the help! edit: Nope it's just my wu limit. I see device 0 working on 5. Device 1 is only working on 2. so I have a setting somewhere only limiting me to 7 wu's at a time. hmmm?
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Delay in getting new work units untill all work units have cleared (Message 69164)
Posted 8 Oct 2019 by JAWS
Ok, so I'm not going crazy. I've been with seti since 2001, but this Sunday they had another outage. Instead of my gpu's just sitting there I attached to MW@home. I have two R9 280's and can't believe how fast they crunch a wu here. Having to manually update to receive any wu's threw me for a loop. I've been working on it for an hour trying different settings and then I find this thread. anyways, how do you guys get so many downloaded? I get 9 at a time, then I manually update to get 9 more. Is it just because I'm new? Just nice to see my older cards working so good! thanks for any info!

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