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Posts by alk44

21) Message boards : News : Server Issues (Message 75307)
Posted 10 Apr 2023 by Profile alk44
22) Message boards : Number crunching : ATI RX 580 GPU crunching? (Message 75199)
Posted 23 Mar 2023 by Profile alk44

Keith is right. You should be able to run atleast 5 units on your RX 580. I think I am running 8 or 10 on mine and I only have 8 cpu cores and you have 16. Just depends on how long you want to limit your run time to. I just kept on increasing the number of units I was running until it was not that advantageous to run anymore.

Good Luck,


Just changed app_config from .5 gpu to .333
Hope this goes well.

Thanx again, Skip

Hope it's working great for you. I'm using.......v....on mine.


23) Message boards : Number crunching : ATI RX 580 GPU crunching? (Message 75192)
Posted 23 Mar 2023 by Profile alk44

Keith is right. You should be able to run atleast 5 units on your RX 580. I think I am running 8 or 10 on mine and I only have 8 cpu cores and you have 16. Just depends on how long you want to limit your run time to. I just kept on increasing the number of units I was running until it was not that advantageous to run anymore.

Good Luck,

24) Questions and Answers : Preferences : milkyway_separation 1.46 Linux x86_64 double OpenCL (Message 75174)
Posted 21 Mar 2023 by Profile alk44
You can try,

25) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY with AMD RX 6600 XT on Xubuntu 20.04 (Message 75077)
Posted 22 Feb 2023 by Profile alk44
I'm certainly no authority on this problem, but have you attempted using an older driver version.
Just maybe, the newer ones don't agree with the Milkyway app or Boinc.

Sorry I can't be of any real help. Good luck!

26) Message boards : Number crunching : running multiple GPUs on one motherboard (Message 75068)
Posted 20 Feb 2023 by Profile alk44
I would like to be able to run a Ryzen 5600G, an R9 280X and an S9150, all on one mother board. The PSU is beefy enough to do this. A query into AMD yielded this result:

Thank you for the e-mail.
Based on the inquiry, i understand that you are using multiple GPU on the same system and want to know if the driver work simultaneously.
No, the driver won't work together as all the 3 components requires different driver sets. If the system components meet the same driver set the there is possibility to work.
Thank you for contacting AMD.

For the 5600G I was using this driver: Adrenalin 22.11.2 Recommended (WHQL) (Win 10)
For the R9 280X, I proposed using this: Adrenalin 22.6.1 Recommended (WHQL) (Win 10)
For the Firepro S9150, I proposed using this: 21.Q1.1 (Win 7)

I'm not so sure they understood the question. I did say I wanted to use these 3 driver sets, and they did agree that 3 different driver sets were needed.

The motherboard is an ASUS TUF Gaming B550-PRO AMD AM4. The 280X is from 2013, the S9150 is from 2014, so not that far apart, time wise. The CPU is from 2021, so quite a bit newer.

I guess the question is, Is it possible to run these 3 on one Motherboard???

(I have since replaced the 5600G with a Ryzen 3 4100, and am running the 280x. But it sure would be nice to get more horsepower here!)

Anybody have any ideas?


I can't necessarily give you the answer to your problem, but I can tell you what I have and what I have running.

I have an AMD Ryzen7 4700G and I added a GTX 1050 Ti to it in Windows 10 and did nothing about drivers when I added the 1050. Apparently after a couple of reboots, Win10 loaded the necessary driver for the 1050 for me. It's running great now for about a week of so.

I also have a AMD FX8300 running with 2 Amd Radeon 560's. Apparently the one driver set just takes care of both of them.

One trick you might try, is to uninstall all your video drivers and reboot. Windows will more than likely find all of the necessary drivers for all of your cards.

If you happened to be running Linux, I'm sure Linux will also look for the missing drivers as well.
Good luck!!
27) Message boards : Number crunching : Run Multiple WU's on Your GPU (Message 75044)
Posted 9 Feb 2023 by Profile alk44

Thanks for the comeback.
Whether it's worth running 4 tasks or not, I'll know in a while.
I've just left it alone so it can settle down and determine just how long it will
take to run a WU on average. I'll let you know when I check in on it later.
I was just very surprised that I didn't have to do anything special to set it up.
I thought I would have to fix something in the bios, but there wasn't anything
in there that I could change.

Love getting feedback on my follies!


No problem, but there could be a problem if the Project can't supply you with enough tasks to keep that thing running consistently on MW tasks, then it might just be an exercise in hot and cold episodes
for the gpu. As long as you have sufficient cooling for that thing then getting it revved up shouldn't be a bad thing but if you have to wait for tasks, I know you are running the special MW version of Boinc, then the heat up and cool down cycling could kill that thing.

Haven't had a problem so far getting enough tasks. The 1050ti wu's take about 27 minutes a piece and the amd tasks are taking about 19 minutes. My cpu is running at about 87c and the Tj Max on it is 95c. Still, I'm running it under boinc at 85% of the time. The amd gpu being part of the cpu, iit is running at about 76c and the 1050ti is running at 54c. Looks like the RAC is going up, how much, just have to wait and see if it is worth it.

Thanks again for the input. Always appreciated.
28) Message boards : Number crunching : Run Multiple WU's on Your GPU (Message 75040)
Posted 9 Feb 2023 by Profile alk44

Thanks for the comeback.
Whether it's worth running 4 tasks or not, I'll know in a while.
I've just left it alone so it can settle down and determine just how long it will
take to run a WU on average. I'll let you know when I check in on it later.
I was just very surprised that I didn't have to do anything special to set it up.
I thought I would have to fix something in the bios, but there wasn't anything
in there that I could change.

Love getting feedback on my follies!

29) Message boards : Number crunching : Run Multiple WU's on Your GPU (Message 75037)
Posted 8 Feb 2023 by Profile alk44
Hi All,

Just thought I would throw something out there that surprised me a little bit.

In my HP rig with the Ryzen7 4700G, I was just running the gpu built in and decided since I had this GTX1050TI laying around I would throw it in and see what would happen.
Well, after several reboots and no edits to the bios, it started showing up in Boinc, as though nothing happened. No editting of anything. Pretty nice.
I then went to the app_config file and changed it to this and I'm running 16 wu's on cpu and 4 wu's on each of the gpus. Pretty slick. Now I'm just waiting to see what a difference the extrra gpu brings to the system.

30) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Maybe off topic but...... (Message 75016)
Posted 5 Feb 2023 by Profile alk44

The difference IS huge as compared to the compute cores for each one
AMD 560 896
AMD 580 2304

Right you are! I never even bothered to consider the difference between the compute cores.
I need to start paying attention. I've got a 570 sitting on the shelf. Time to get it up and running too.

Thanks mikey!!
31) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Maybe off topic but...... (Message 74980)
Posted 31 Jan 2023 by Profile alk44
There is a recurring theme posted here at Milkyway and throughout the BOINC forums that you don't want to use a Nvidia card at MW and you should always purchase a AMD because of their superior FP64 calculation rate.

Best AMD card at MW has been the Radeon VII. The 3080 Ti matches and beats that card.

No arguments about the heat production from Nvidia cards though as I look at my power bill every month from the A/C usage to try and remediate the heat output from the computers with 13 cards.

Hi Keith,

Just thought I would drop you a line and let you know that I finally got my 580 running on the Linux machine. It's running 10 wu's at about 14 minutes per. The 560 was running 5 wu's but was taking about 20 minutes per.
Now I've taken the other 560 and doubled up on one of the Windows machines and get 10 wu's at a time in about 20 minutes. Seems that the 580 is a monster compared to the 560, who knew??
How are things with you? Any new upgrades?

32) Message boards : Number crunching : Daily graphs of server_status (Message 74570)
Posted 26 Oct 2022 by Profile alk44

I would guess it will take time to shut down everything needed to remove and the install the new Server and that it could affect other parts of the University as well, they do share the internet connection at least, and then make sure they have the right people on hand in case something goes wrong either in hardware mismatches and in the software area as the Server does it's first boot up and gets ready to do it's thing for us. Tom did not go into details about whether it was plug and play from his end or what was involved so there's alot of guessing going on over this. There have also been suggestions to keep the old Server and repurpose it for something Boinc related, ie run the NBody tasks while the new Server handles the Separation tasks but Tom didn't say if that was even a possibility, remember Seti literally had a repurposed closet they had to fit their stuff into before they finally shut down.


i was watching a program last night that suggested that they were using the VLA in N. Mexico to capture some more data for Seti. I wonder if they might fire up Seti@home again in the near future.
33) Message boards : News : Server Issues (Message 74569)
Posted 26 Oct 2022 by Profile alk44
can confirm - as of 25.X.22 - regularly getting the error internet access ok ut project servers are unreachable from BOINC logs on the Milkyway@Home project
did some drive crash again?

Server status shows everything running at 7pm East Coast US time

Server status shows everything is still running at 11pm Eastern Time.
We're on a roll!!!
34) Message boards : Number crunching : Daily graphs of server_status (Message 74489)
Posted 18 Oct 2022 by Profile alk44
Yes, it's obvious that the computers at Milkyway are not able to keep up with the WU's we are producing. I don't understand why they are not able to keep up since we are seemingly not finishing anymore now than when it suddenly stopped being able to keep up. The System always says everything is running and I've heard very little from Tom on the subject.
Wish we knew what is wrong.

The workunit generators don't generate tasks (wingman tasks or initial tasks) if the WU pools have more tasks than they should. So when the nbody pool had like 100k tasks in it, any tasks that you sent back were essentially put on hold because the WU generator wouldn't make any wingman tasks for validation until the pool was cleared.

It's not so much that the "computer can't keep up" as it is that the WU pool being overfilled is a nasty bug. I want to migrate to the new server hardware ASAP but other people have to get things compiled and sorted out before that can happen. Currently, the server is slow becaus eit is short on memory, so in that regard the computer can't keep up.

Thanks Tom, really appreciate the update info. Is the memory the type that we can help you with or is it "special" and only something we can contribute money for you to buy or is it even worth it, since you are talking about migrating to a new server anyway? It certainly will be nice when everything is updated and running smoothly again.
Thanks for your great efforts!!

35) Message boards : Number crunching : Daily graphs of server_status (Message 74476)
Posted 17 Oct 2022 by Profile alk44
Yes, it's obvious that the computers at Milkyway are not able to keep up with the WU's we are producing. I don't understand why they are not able to keep up since we are seemingly not finishing anymore now than when it suddenly stopped being able to keep up. The System always says everything is running and I've heard very little from Tom on the subject.
Wish we knew what is wrong.
36) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Maybe off topic but...... (Message 74283)
Posted 26 Sep 2022 by Profile alk44
There is a recurring theme posted here at Milkyway and throughout the BOINC forums that you don't want to use a Nvidia card at MW and you should always purchase a AMD because of their superior FP64 calculation rate.

Best AMD card at MW has been the Radeon VII. The 3080 Ti matches and beats that card.

No arguments about the heat production from Nvidia cards though as I look at my power bill every month from the A/C usage to try and remediate the heat output from the computers with 13 cards.

Ya, it's tough in the Summer bills, but I don't mind it at all in the Winter.

I've got low voltage GPU's. I can't even imagine how much heat and cost you have with the GPUs you're running. Whew!
37) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Maybe off topic but...... (Message 74279)
Posted 25 Sep 2022 by Profile alk44
I don't know what times a single task on a AMD can run because I am sure most AMD users run at least 2x, 3X, 4X or more. I can run a single Separation task in under a minute. I run 2X on all my cards. Certainly better for the 3000 series compared to previous generations. So blanket statement that Nvidia cards are no good at Milkyway does not hold water.

Did someone say that the Nvidias are not good for MW? I think they run fine, I just can't run as many units at one time (with an advantage or time) than I can on my 560's. I run 3 on the Nvidias and 5 on the 560's with about the same 20 minutes per task. One task on the 560 is about 6+ minutes and 7+ minutes on the Nvida.

One thing for sure, they sure do generate a lot of heat!!
38) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Maybe off topic but...... (Message 74266)
Posted 24 Sep 2022 by Profile alk44

Another question:

I have been wondering if I can put two of my RX 560's in one machine. I have a RX 570 that I could put in the other machine. Also, what about putting two 1050ti's in one machine? Non of them require the connecting wires between the cards. Just thinking......



Sure, why not? As long as the cards can fit on the motherboard, preferably directly in the PCIe slots, go for it. And you have enough PCIE power cables to feed them and sufficient power capacity from the power supply.

If you two or more of the same type card in the host, BOINC will crunch on both of them as long as they are detected at startup. If you put dissimilar cards into the host, then BOINC will only crunch on the most capable card. In your example, then only the 570 will get detected and crunched with and the 560 will be ignored.

To get around that problem you need to set a cc_config.xml parameter in the <Options> section. <use_all_gpus>1</use_all_gpus> and re-read config files in the Manager or restart the client and Manager to get BOINC to crunch on both the 570 and 560.

Thanks again. I don't have to worrying about the 6 pin cables on the 560's since they don't use them, so I should have enough slots to take care of everything.
39) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Maybe off topic but...... (Message 74265)
Posted 24 Sep 2022 by Profile alk44
I think AMD GPUs are better suited for MilkyWay because of their high native double precision capability compared to NVIDIA cards. This is probably also the reason that their CPU usage is much less. I recently got a R9 280X (a 9 year old card) and was amazed at its capabilities in this project compared to the 3060Ti (latest gen. card) that came with my PC. After some testing I found that for most productivity I can run 4 concurrent GPU tasks (.25 GPU, .24 CPU settings). The average time per tasks is about the same as one task on 3060Ti running one at a time. Running more than 1 at a time on 3060Ti is counterproductive as the average time per task slows down too much. It'd be interesting to try NVIDIA TITAN V here as its rated double precision capability is about 7 times that of an R9 280X. Even at 5 years old, its price is about 16 times that of a R9 280X though. I think a good modern consumer grade card that'd run well on this as well as other projects is AMD RX 6800 XT. Much cheaper than 6900 XT and only ~10% less capable, with excellent single precision and very good double precision ratings.

I certainly agree with you on both GPU's..I can only tell you that for me, the advantage of running more units per GPU on the Radeon just kept getting better until at least 5 per GPU. After that it didn't seem to make much difference.
40) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Maybe off topic but...... (Message 74258)
Posted 23 Sep 2022 by Profile alk44
Thanks to all on the GPU cards issue. I thought you must be able to, but wasn't clear on it.
Now the question is, do I need to be careful not to overload my Power Supply? I guess I do.
I have 750 Gold in one of them, but not sure about the others. More than likely, only around 500 Watts on the rest.


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