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Posts by Caboose-1

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Computation errors. (Message 60151)
Posted 14 Oct 2013 by Caboose-1
I'm running into the same issue on the 13.9 drivers :/ it's frustrating ..
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Computation Errors in home 1.20 (opencl_amd_ati) (Message 60150)
Posted 14 Oct 2013 by Caboose-1
This is a odd thought and I had to respond with a disagreement on your logic. We are what make these projects work. If the project operators alienate the users then how will the Distributed Computing Model work? If these teams don't cater to the community then they need to rethink what they are doing and need to build their own super computers and use their own power to crunch these numbers. The only way this works is by cooperation not through the alienation of users and equipment who are trying to assist in a project they in essence get nothing for other than a higher power bill, wear and tear on equipment and a warm feeling of helping these projects.

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