Message boards :
Number crunching :
ps_separation and ps_test WUs all erroring out
(Message 49846)
Posted 3 Jul 2011 by Lukfi Post: Well that is all incredibly wonderful, but it doesn't solve the problem I'm having. Worse still, neither does the thread you're pointing at. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
ps_separation and ps_test WUs all erroring out
(Message 49837)
Posted 3 Jul 2011 by Lukfi Post: What's a DCF? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
ps_separation and ps_test WUs all erroring out
(Message 49818)
Posted 3 Jul 2011 by Lukfi Post: I got a batch of ps_separation_13_3s_fix20 today and all end with computing errors. I'm using an ATI Radeon HD 4770. What should I do, throw them all out and wait until I get some good ones? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
We have some new long running WU's!!!
(Message 46086)
Posted 9 Feb 2011 by Lukfi Post: Your machine shouldn't crash. Aren't the GPUs overheating (I underclock mine when doing MilkyWay)? Don't you have a faulty memory module in the crashing PC? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
We have some new long running WU's!!!
(Message 46082)
Posted 9 Feb 2011 by Lukfi Post: The new WUs take tens of minutes to complete for me. It would be really nice if they had checkpointing, to put it mildly. |
Message boards :
News :
a few drive errors
(Message 46041)
Posted 7 Feb 2011 by Lukfi Post: Same here, no work sent. |
Message boards :
MilkyWay@home Science :
What in the world does this project do?
(Message 45965)
Posted 4 Feb 2011 by Lukfi Post: Thank you. That is indeed a noble goal (and there's nothing more meaningful to run on ATI GPUs anyway). |
Message boards :
MilkyWay@home Science :
What in the world does this project do?
(Message 45819)
Posted 27 Jan 2011 by Lukfi Post: I'd like to hear it in a nutshell. Some projects hope to find cures for diseases. Others might help chemists synthesize new materials or whatever. What is your goal? Do you even have anything like a goal besides satysfying your curiosity? |
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