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Posts by Travis

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Feeder Down (Message 62384)
Posted 24 Sep 2014 by Travis
See the follow thread in the News area...

I guess it was too much to hope for a response in an on-topic thread... :D (Please excuse the snark...I'm not like that in real life.)

Sorry about that! I've been at a conference in Baltimore and we have no internet at the venue (seriously, it's terrible). :( Heidi actually texted me about the problem this afternoon so I ran back to my hotel room on break to get things fixed. Sorry about the delay!
2) Message boards : News : a fix for the output file issue (Message 43002)
Posted 20 Oct 2010 by Travis

It's O.K. to use further the opt. CPU app from available 'here'?

In app_info.xml named as V0.21 ?

Like this:

The new stock/orig. MW@h CPU app have 0.04 ..?

From where we could DL the other new N-body CPU app?
And how this app should be named in the app_info.xml file?

I understood it correct, that MW@h have currently 2 CPU apps?

Yes there are two CPU apps now. The 'optimized' apps probably won't work with a bunch of the new workunits we are sending out, so I would stick with the applications the server is sending out.
3) Message boards : News : a fix for the output file issue (Message 43001)
Posted 20 Oct 2010 by Travis
Hi Travis (or anybody who knows),

after the fix was announced I downloaded a few new WUs and got to work. The first
de_14-2s_5_126674_1287400167_0 ran for 21+ hours and showed 16 still to go so I aborted it as it looked like a bad one the next de_14_2s_5_126673_1287400167_0 has been running for 17 hours and shows 27 hours to go.

Are these new WUs or still some from the bad batch. If they are the bad ones then no problem I will abort and download new ones. If they are not then I have a different problem and I don't know what to do with it. Both of these WUs showed a "to completion time" of about 18 hours so running for about c44 hours is way beyond what was expected. The Application running for both WUs is MW&H 0.04.

I am afraid that I am stumped HELP!!

There shouldn't be any problem with them if you're running 0.40...
4) Message boards : News : Server outage (Message 38012)
Posted 4 Apr 2010 by Travis

Once the new validator gets up and going validation will work as follows:

Any result that could potentially improve one of our searches will be validated (with a quorum of 2 or 3).

Previously, any result that wouldn't improve our searches we ignored. I'll be validating 50 - 100% of these for the next couple weeks so everyones error rate gets update correctly.

After everyone's error rate has leveled out, I'll drop the validation done on these workunits to whatever % the error rate of host returning the result is (minimum 10%).

So we'll still be validating every potentially good result, but we'll be using BOINC's adaptive validation for everything else.

How is that suppose to work in regard to this -> http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/forum_thread.php?id=1640 ???

Besides that, what's the problem with those results ?
When will it be fixed ?

The new validator should fix that (along with the new applications we're going to be releasing this week).
5) Message boards : News : new osx applications (Message 38011)
Posted 4 Apr 2010 by Travis
By the way, does this fix the progress bar issues for particularly large WUs as well? IIRC Cluster Physik said it was just a case of switching from a 32-bit to a 64-bit variable. Presumably all apps need the fix (though a large part of the userbase will already be using one of the fixed optimized applications).

I'll have that fixed in the new apps coming out. We should be releasing new versions of the apps (and new source code) in the upcoming week. We're going to be testing some new background models for the Milky Way and the code is pretty much ready to go live now.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Server down twice today?? (Message 35320)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Travis
Testing? :(
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Server down twice today?? (Message 35319)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Travis
Confirmed Travis - I just used up my last MW wu and even though the server board shows all green and wu available - I can't get any.

Are you still having this problem? everything seems to be crunching away just fine on my end.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Testing ATI Application Availability (Message 35312)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Travis
I think the project scheduler thinks the ATI app for NVIDIA. Explains why I can get work (I have a gtx) and others can't. It is also corroborated by the fact that boinc requires an NVIDIA card to do the crunching (on the ATI app).

Yes, that seems to be the case and i think that it is due to the scheduler version used.

if you take a look at the sched_reply*.xml in you boinc directory you'll see that MW uses <scheduler_version>610</scheduler_version>

Up to date projects like AQUA or Collatz use <scheduler_version>611</scheduler_version>

Is the scheduler version looking correct on your end now?
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Testing ATI Application Availability (Message 35309)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Travis
May be OT - I just noticed a couple of WUs with computation errors. Tried a manual update to clear the air.
'Message from server: Server error: recompile needed'.

Yeah I'm seeing the same issue. Part of the problem is I need to stop the web server to update the file upload handler and scheduler... and I don't yet have access privileges to do that. I've contacted our labstaff again (woo) and as we're kind of high priority on their to-do lists due to our previous issues, hopefully we'll be able to fix the problem soon.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Testing ATI Application Availability (Message 35308)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Travis
May be OT - I just noticed a couple of WUs with computation errors. Tried a manual update to clear the air.
'Message from server: Server error: recompile needed'.

Yeah I'm seeing the same issue. Part of the problem is I need to stop the web server to update the file upload handler and scheduler... and I don't yet have access privileges to do that. I've contacted our labstaff again (woo) and as we're kind of high priority on their to-do lists due to our previous issues, hopefully we'll be able to fix the problem soon.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Server down twice today?? (Message 35306)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Travis
Having some weird issues with the assimilator as I was trying to make sure everything was updated to the most recent boinc versions.

Everything is running but the validator isn't finding any work that needs to be validated, and it looks like the scheduler isn't sending any work out either...
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Testing ATI Application Availability (Message 35300)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Travis
I think the project scheduler thinks the ATI app for NVIDIA. Explains why I can get work (I have a gtx) and others can't. It is also corroborated by the fact that boinc requires an NVIDIA card to do the crunching (on the ATI app).

Yes, that seems to be the case and i think that it is due to the scheduler version used.

if you take a look at the sched_reply*.xml in you boinc directory you'll see that MW uses <scheduler_version>610</scheduler_version>

Up to date projects like AQUA or Collatz use <scheduler_version>611</scheduler_version>

We should be using the most up-to-date version of the BOINC server code... I'm wondering if our update script isn't working correctly, given the recent problems. I'm going to take a look at this.

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Milky Way, Project unfriendly..... (Message 35144)
Posted 7 Jan 2010 by Travis
Hi Trav, no I've been running MW with ATI 4870's in this box but I have another that runs GPUGrid with nvidia 9800gt's, The Cuda app wasn't available at the time I started running MW and I got a really great deal on these ATI's I have now.

Also, please keep in mind folks, it's not the project I have a problem with, it's the way in which the Boinc manager handles the MW WU's while trying to run any other project. I still have MW set to run WU"s anytime it'll go fetch the work. The Boinc manager just won't go get the work if there's any other project running and that includes CPU only WU's from other projects.

I will try the latest release of the ATI apps to see if that helps.


This week we should have the ATI apps available server side, which also might help, because this improves the communication between the BOINC client and server about information which may improve getting work and playing nice with other projects.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Milky Way, Project unfriendly..... (Message 35080)
Posted 4 Jan 2010 by Travis
Well I'm sorry you're having so many problems, but now that we finally have the server code updated (and i finally have access to do it myself), I'm hoping we'll be able to get things working a bit more smoothly.

This week we should have the ATI applications (if you were using those) sent out from the server, which may help some of the conflicts you're having.

If you're using CUDA applications (from the server), I'd like to know if you're having problems with those so we can fix them.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : MW Preferences are Gone! (Message 35079)
Posted 4 Jan 2010 by Travis
I state that I have problems updating your profile, but I must make a note on the home page of the site with regard to the news, it is true that we are only a few days in the new year, but we are in 2010 and 2009. :-)

thanks ;) fixed the news. I'm going to see whats wrong with the profiles. I think it just might be that they need to be screened first.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : No work again (Message 8016)
Posted 26 Dec 2008 by Travis
I have had no work for about 1 day now!

Sorry about that guys, i started up some new searches when i noticed the old ones had ended. Things are pretty busy with the holidays and all.

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