Message boards :
Number crunching :
Very long run times on CPU Wu's
(Message 56994)
Posted 23 Jan 2013 by mitrichr Post: I have seen run times of over 100 hours on CPU WU's on several machines. Can anyone say if this should be? |
Message boards :
News :
New N-Body Runs
(Message 56733)
Posted 4 Jan 2013 by mitrichr Post: see if we can fix some of the issues you are still having... The one issue that I have is that I cannot crunch GPU for this project because I have Nvidia GTX670's, poor or no DP. I would venture to guess that you could have a much larger cohort of GPU crunchers w/o DP. Apparently, MW is the only project insisting upon DP, essentially meaning ATI cards. [My credits for MW are all CPU] |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56564)
Posted 18 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: mikey Thanks, but I have run three other projects' GPU work units with no difficulty. My configuration was worked out with help from both BOINC people and the computer builder. I was given a link for you guys by people at BOINC who think that the project as a resource problem in its compiling. I put the link into a post. This link was provided after BOINC looked at the following error from on of my tasks: Stderr output <core_client_version>7.0.28</core_client_version> <![CDATA[ <message> - exit code -5 (0xfffffffb) </message> <stderr_txt> BOINC: parse gpu_opencl_dev_index 0 <search_application> milkyway_separation 1.02 Windows x86_64 double OpenCL </search_application> Unrecognized XML in project preferences: max_gfx_cpu_pct Skipping: 20 Skipping: /max_gfx_cpu_pct Unrecognized XML in project preferences: allow_non_preferred_apps Skipping: 1 Skipping: /allow_non_preferred_apps Unrecognized XML in project preferences: nbody_graphics_poll_period Skipping: 30 Skipping: /nbody_graphics_poll_period Unrecognized XML in project preferences: nbody_graphics_float_speed Skipping: 5 Skipping: /nbody_graphics_float_speed Unrecognized XML in project preferences: nbody_graphics_textured_point_size Skipping: 250 Skipping: /nbody_graphics_textured_point_size Unrecognized XML in project preferences: nbody_graphics_point_point_size Skipping: 40 Skipping: /nbody_graphics_point_point_size BOINC GPU type suggests using OpenCL vendor 'NVIDIA Corporation' Error loading Lua script 'astronomy_parameters.txt': [string "number_parameters: 4..."]:1: '<name>' expected near '4' Error reading astronomy parameters from file 'astronomy_parameters.txt' Trying old parameters file Using AVX path Found 2 platforms Platform 0 information: Name: NVIDIA CUDA Version: OpenCL 1.1 CUDA 4.2.1 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Extensions: cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_d3d9_sharing cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll Profile: FULL_PROFILE Platform 1 information: Name: NVIDIA CUDA Version: OpenCL 1.1 CUDA 4.2.1 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Extensions: cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_d3d9_sharing cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll Profile: FULL_PROFILE Using device 0 on platform 0 Found 2 CL devices Device 'GeForce GTX 670' (NVIDIA Corporation:0x10de) (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) Driver version: 306.97 Version: OpenCL 1.1 CUDA Compute capability: 3.0 Max compute units: 7 Clock frequency: 1045 Mhz Global mem size: 2147483648 Local mem size: 49152 Max const buf size: 65536 Double extension: cl_khr_fp64 Error creating context (-5): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Error getting device and context (-5): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to calculate likelihood <background_integral> 1.#QNAN0000000000 </background_integral> <stream_integral> 1.#QNAN0000000000 1.#QNAN0000000000 1.#QNAN0000000000 </stream_integral> <background_likelihood> 1.#QNAN0000000000 </background_likelihood> <stream_only_likelihood> 1.#QNAN0000000000 1.#QNAN0000000000 1.#QNAN0000000000 </stream_only_likelihood> <search_likelihood> 1.#QNAN0000000000 </search_likelihood> 10:16:09 (1936): called boinc_finish </stderr_txt> ]]> I have zero idea how one interprets this stuff, but this was what they used. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56562)
Posted 18 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: A friend at BOINC says you guys should see this page https://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.1/docs/man/xhtml/clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.html. He feels this explains why I (and others) might be having a problem with this project on GPU. He says, "... It's not resources as in 'everything capable of doing calculations in your computer', or 'memory and disk values'. It's resources that OpenCL uses to set up the kernels, store kernels, do calculations on them. So definitely something in the science application and thus something that Milkyway will want to know about. The thing I quoted from Khronos, you may want to copy & paste that in your thread at Milkyway, they may want to know about it. Khronos are the developers of OpenCL, it's their explanation of what CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES stands for...." I sure would love to solve this problem. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56561)
Posted 18 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: mikey Thanks for waking me up to the fact that I forgot to say I only run one GPU task a a time. I have twin GTX670's, but they have SLI enabled so as to act as one big GPU card, card 0 and even so, in cc_config file I have <ignore_cuda_dev>1</ignore_cuda_dev>. (SLI is not viewed favorably outside the gamer community; but I tried running with SLI disabled. The problem was, BOINC wants to be on device 0 and so does Maingear, my builder. This created way too many problems, so I went with this configuration.) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56557)
Posted 18 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: Len LE/GE I am running Einstein and SETI GPU tasks with no problems. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56527)
Posted 16 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: O.K., this many hours later, finally got some CPU tasks running. I guess LTD finally caught up with BOINC on this machine for this project. I am going to leave it at that until such time as I get some help with the GPU problem. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56522)
Posted 15 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: This situation is untenable. GPU work is all failures, and I am getting no CPU work on a machine which was doing great CPU work. So, until there is a solution to the GPU problem, I am changing the project preferences back to no GPU and updating the project on this machine in the hopes of getting back to successful CPU work. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56520)
Posted 15 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: Here is one of the WU's that failed. Task 361228420, WU 28093553. If I need to copy and paste in the task details, please let me know and I will do it. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56514)
Posted 15 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: So, I visited the project prefs, and put the project on Nvidia, and now, I have a bunch of ps_separation_9 and 10 "Computation error" work units. They have not yet "reported", so I cannot give the Work Unit detail. They only ran for 1 second each. Once the data is up, I will paste in the detail, unless someone says, it is the project and not me. CPU work units are just fine. |
Message boards :
MilkyWay@home Science :
Check out my ScieneSpeings blog
(Message 56496)
Posted 14 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: Of late, my ScienceSprings blog has been tilting heavily toward Astronomy. This is because of the availability of both American (NASA) and European (ESO, ESA) material at Twitter, Facebook and Google+, web sites. There are great graphics, many many links back to original and explanatory material. If you like, you can follow the blog or the Twitter feed for items of interest. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56485)
Posted 14 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: Thanks so much for your response. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GTX670's and the MilkyWay project
(Message 56477)
Posted 12 Dec 2012 by mitrichr Post: I am running GTX670's, driver 301.42, cuda 4.2.1. The system has an i7-3930k processor and 16 gigs DRAM. I was advised that this computer might run MilkyWay very inefficiently in GPU processing. I am running the project on CPU on four machines; but I was looking to add to my GPU work where I only have Einstein and SETI on GPU. My ScienceSprings blog has been tilting toward Astronomy lately, so I am beefing up that side of BOINC in my projects. Any advice? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Why no work on one machine?
(Message 53707)
Posted 18 Mar 2012 by mitrichr Post: Machine 288673, CPU only, is getting no work. Machine 426239, new to the projects with GPU's and CPU's, tons of work. Could someone tell me why 288673 is getting no work? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
New to GPU, need advice on Max CPU
(Message 53573)
Posted 7 Mar 2012 by mitrichr Post: Just to get started, I put in 25, but the edit was refused, said it was "not a number", or out of range? What does that all mean? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
New to GPU, need advice on Max CPU
(Message 53572)
Posted 7 Mar 2012 by mitrichr Post: I just attached a machine with twin GTX580's. I wanted to set the project prefs for that, I see a question about max CPU%, no default percentage, what is the proper thing to do starting out? Thanks. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GPU Requirements [OLD]
(Message 48932)
Posted 23 May 2011 by mitrichr Post: Thanks, I got help and found the setting. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GPU Requirements [OLD]
(Message 48929)
Posted 22 May 2011 by mitrichr Post: I have aborted all tasks which were running, waiting to run or ready to start. I have marked this project no new tasks. I cannot tolerate GPU processing. I need to know how to get that stopped. Also, I saw a task which simply appropriated all eight processors on this computer. That is a no-no. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
GPU Requirements [OLD]
(Message 48928)
Posted 22 May 2011 by mitrichr Post: This project is crunching with GPU. I want that to stop, too much heat. How do I get this project to crunch only with CPU? |
Message boards :
News :
issue with not getting work resolved
(Message 38974)
Posted 21 Apr 2010 by mitrichr Post: How would one check this? |
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