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Posts by boosted

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Report deadline: not enough time for low-end processors? (Message 34395)
Posted 8 Dec 2009 by boosted
It does not need to be on 24/7 to run the project work units.
However it does help.
Having the correct application to run the work units also helps greatly.

Modern electronics for the most part will not suffer any being left on 24/7. I have seen several laptops take issue with this. My wife's HP she got in 05/06 did not want to be on 24/7, it would overheat running boinc about every 4th day it would shutdown. Even one that I had Linux installed on that was from '02/'03 did not want to be on 24/7 running boinc, it took would shut itself down every 2-3 days from being too hot.
Boinc is not a 'normal' cpu/gpu load program, it runs both at 99+% 99+% of the time. About the only other programs that come close to that load for extended periods are encoding/transcoding programs which are very CPU intensive.

Towers are a completely different story. A decent fan is all they require, minus the semi annual cleaning.

I do not dedicate my main rig to boinc. Yes I run it on it, but I also do far more on than simply crunching. I dedicate my lower rigs to that, a 3800 dual and a 5000 dual, though the 5000 has not been running in some time now.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Increase the report deadline (Message 34390)
Posted 8 Dec 2009 by boosted
I also think that you need to understand a few things...
You should only run as many projects as you have cpu cores.
If you attempt to run say 3 projects on a single core cpu, your never going to really be as big of a benefit as running just one, or possibly two if the chip is fast. Your just absolutely killing your turn around time.

If you are not running an optimized app, you're also killing your turn around time in wasting far too much time in calculations.

My machine is a medium level.
Q6600, twin ATI 4850's
I run three projects. One on my CPU and attempting to run one each on my GPU's. Still working on getting that last bit sorted and running like I want it too. But the guys at Collatz are helping with that.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Report deadline: not enough time for low-end processors? (Message 34389)
Posted 8 Dec 2009 by boosted
Regular 'computers' are meant to be on 24/7.
Laptops are not meant for that unless they are a very high end laptop.
Also I have heard and experienced far too many issues with overheating when running Boinc on a laptop.

Also most 'normal' computer users use a desktop for a majority of their heavy computing.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Collatz offline?? (Message 34223)
Posted 4 Dec 2009 by boosted
>I will crunch Collatz until my cache runs out, then return to MW.
My Collatz cache ran out yesterday, but can't crunch MW on that GPU as its only a 5870 and doesn't qualify.

Hell I cannot even get MW to crunch on my machines now...
6.10.18 and cat 9.1... I have put the .20 app in as usual and it keeps saying there is not Nvidia device found (no shit it is ATI's)
Twin 4850's.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : dual ati cards newb help (Message 34206)
Posted 4 Dec 2009 by boosted
yeah for some reason MW will no longer crunch on my systems.
I download and install the app, verify that the .dll files are there...

It just tells me no ati device installed.
And no I will not put an earlier version of boinc on as my main interest is collatz and it runs better on these newer versions.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Do MilkyWay need donations? why offline so big time? (Message 33896)
Posted 28 Nov 2009 by boosted

Geez you people are cranky. The sky isn't falling. The database got corrupted last night (most likely because the controller is indeed bad). So we're ordering a new controller and getting the database repaired.

I do not think that we are/were cranky.
If it were a thing here a thing there it would be one thing.
But the fact is that those single 'things' happen frequently and some people tend to get a little upset over it.
When outages, credit deletions and crashes are a regular thing you cannot expect your volunteers to be 'happy' all the time. That is a pipe dream to think so.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Do MilkyWay need donations? why offline so big time? (Message 33791)
Posted 27 Nov 2009 by boosted
This is interesting thought taking distributed computing to a new level.

Here is a thought to help that comment out.

1. All credit rates and times should be the soul ownership of the project admin, Not DA's quest for equal wu parity. As this cross parity will never work. This would be do to the fact that all Science projects will have different needs and require different computer types and hardware. And who will be the credit cops for this new adventure? DA? Then all lower projects should now comply and raise there rates...Right like this will ever happen..

2. Some times in our lives we must as parents let go of the children, and let them grow up for them selves. So Please DA..Find more kids to raise. Please!

3. This whole argument about credits that has been going on now for 3 or more years could be stopped by the admin's of projects, by stating that this point per wu will be this and not change any unless the admin's increase the amount of computer time required to complete the task per wu.

4 All those who think that the credit is too high will be asked to leave the project and find a lower credit project to make them happy, as we want to make them happy don't we? And I will do my best to point them out for the complainers. Hey anything to help those folks out.

5. Have a great day.

There is only one problem with all that...

It makes sense....
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Do MilkyWay need donations? why offline so big time? (Message 33762)
Posted 26 Nov 2009 by boosted
I was lucky enough to get through college on military reeducation grants, MAP grants and the PELL.
It just so happened that it seemed the technology bubble burst just as I graduated in this area. Now with no money to move I am stuck here doing minor repair and maintenance for whatever I can get.

I am with you PB, I fund enough peoples pocket books already... I refuse to fund another one when they continuously hose over the few volunteers that they can get.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Do MilkyWay need donations? why offline so big time? (Message 33718)
Posted 25 Nov 2009 by boosted
Why must people always be asking why this project is always down. It is like asking why the sun shines... it just does, and it just is.
I do not feel like going into my personal feeling about this project and how it is run...
But the new hard drives sure seemed to fix the issues...<-sarcasm

On the new credit tables, who knows... maybe they will say that all work units are worth 1 point, maybe they will be worth a free imaginary pizza or maybe they will each be worth 4000 credits.
I just think that it is sad that it seems that every time that they 'adjust' the credits, they lower them. They had a pay table that was accurate per second of crunch time. For some reason (that I will not go into) they have changed it now several times.
At least every time that they do this, a new app comes out to 'soften' the credit blow by further streamlining the crunch process. I applaud the effort in streamlining this calculation process, and it deserves great respect. While faster calc times are good, I think most of the reason behind it is to soften the credit blows... only the creator can answer this. I only have my stated suspicions.

I just wonder why the credit tables are in constant shrinking flux... I mean hell is Wayne Szalinski running this project or something? I think he is cause the credits are ever shrinking...

As far as your point in asking about donations... from what I have read people have donated funds. However nothing was ever said about how much was raised, what they were used for... like so many other news updates, not much unless the shitith hitith the fanith in the forum areas. Then something is said eventually.

I'm a little reluctant to do big software upgrades while the hardware is having issues, because the last thing we need is a big bad database corruption that would hose all your credits and accounts.

But it is such a frequent thing around here... why break the cycle now?
10) Message boards : Number crunching : No Thankyou (Message 33132)
Posted 7 Nov 2009 by boosted
I would urge people not to leave Milkyway. My beef is that things could be improved, and some attention from admin would be appropriate which has happened recently.

I think it is sad that this only happens though when the forums are overrun with complaints.
Between that and the constant unfulfilled promise of upgrading hardware I think it speaks volumes.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : No Thankyou (Message 33052)
Posted 5 Nov 2009 by boosted
Yes things have been slow for months, and Travis has been working on his degree for months ... there are only so many hours in the day, and, well, first things first ...

His priority is his thesis and degree and so there is where he properly is focusing his time and effort. Work is underway to change the logistics with a new server, the new guy, and getting the degree thingie out of the way ... so ...

Disk drives should not fail from heat either, or dust, or age ... then again ... they do ...

Even RAID arrays fail ... paradoxically adding more disks to an array to make it "safer" actually reduces the MTBF on the array itself ...

Common guys, Travis does not owe us work ... and if it is too frustrating to you then you should goto another project ... my druthers is that I should be doing MW to the exclusion of other projects as hard physics is my primary love ... yet look at my stats and you will see that I spread it around because it is the right thing to do ... especially if the project is overloaded ... so I do MW, Collatz and GPU Grid on my systems because it is the right thing to do ... and I pretty much always have work (though BOINC has gotten real bad about running dry on the GPU side in later versions) ...

No one is blaming travis for putting effort to get his degree.
But it seems after every failure, we get pretty much the same excuses.
The computer savvy people here can see through the hardware excuses. Either the server is not up to snuff and they keep saying they will upgrade it (yet never do) or they simply do not know how to properly run the server.

Computer issues happen. We understand that... they however should not happen this frequently is what I am saying. And I do not think that I am alone in this sentiment.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : No Thankyou (Message 33040)
Posted 5 Nov 2009 by boosted
The thing is this is not an 'all the sudden thing'. This has been going on for months and months.
I do not think we are being anything but pointing out the obvious.
You all acknowledge the issues, yet the issues continue going on.
I know that you all cannot babysit the server 24/7, but the thing is, a properly done server should not need to be babysat at all. If anything, a weekly visit just to check things out in person.

You have several computer savvy people on here. I am one of them. I realize that sometimes there are bugs to be worked out between coding and hardware. But those bugs should never be constant. That is a sign of many things, and none of them good. I think it has just come down that many of us are just tired of the constant errors going on.
My personal last straw was that I went negative entirely yesterday.
I run other projects. Yet somehow I still managed to have your project screw up so badly that it even dragged down the daily credit total that I got from them. That means that your system removed far more credit than it ever should have in just dealing with this project. Your crashes should not effect my total credit that I get combined.
If your system screws up this badly I should have -0- from this project. It should not push my total for the day into the negative.

It is that fact that I think that people are really getting tired of. It does not really matter if you correct the situation, it is the fact that it happens with some regularity around here.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : No Thankyou (Message 33032)
Posted 5 Nov 2009 by boosted
My feeling for a while has been that this project will just go off one day. I think that is close to reality now. All of the so-called "donation" money was supposed to do:"The majority of our costs directly support students who maintain the servers, answer your questions in the forum, create new Milky Way models and improve the computing infrastructure, and create knowledge from our activities.".

What of that has happened? none.

I am not going to run any tasks here untill improvements are made. I know my handful of tasks are meaningless, but add all of the work together with others who are quitting and they are huge. When you have multiple top 10 RAC users leaving you have a BIG problem.

My 4850's are doing their last 24 right now.
They just happened to be there already when I restarted boinc.
But no new tasks, and here I come collatz.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Strange things happen (credit) (Message 33030)
Posted 5 Nov 2009 by boosted
I will guess it will be one of those go away things...

Funny that is just what I told my computer to do... as I went to boinc manager and detached all hosts.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : No Thankyou (Message 33029)
Posted 5 Nov 2009 by boosted
I have turned MW off on my GPU computers and will be turning off the CPU ones shortly with the next boinc manager update.

One would think that having constant and continuous problems would lend to those problems being fixed... not ignored.
I was not in this for the credit, I liked the science and it was the first project that I felt like crunching with my ATI's. That is simply no longer the case, the admins feel that they can ignore serious server issues, give us little or no updates on anything...
This is not an admin, or project bashing thing, this is flat out facts that are going on here everyday.

And since I am now being threatened with being banned for saying this common sense conclusion and facts... here's a big whoo hoo *insert descriptive smiley*

Have fun people, this project sure does not have anyone at the helm that knows how to keep a server going properly.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Strange things happen (credit) (Message 33016)
Posted 4 Nov 2009 by boosted
Do the admins think that now possibly after the constant crashes that they could possibly upgrade the hardware?
It is an obvious and enduring problem.
I am not going to complain about the credit lost, crashes do happen. However the sheer frequency of the crashes and other hic-ups here are getting old. The fact that they are continuing to happen at this rate is more than a little unnerving and I am quite honestly losing faith in the project admins for not addressing them.
I am also relatively sure that I am not the only one feeling this way.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : credit table 2.0 (Message 32827)
Posted 27 Oct 2009 by boosted
this can go ahead and be locked now.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : credit table 2.0 (Message 32824)
Posted 27 Oct 2009 by boosted
If computer A) does 275,124 work units in a particular time frame(the actual amount is hamudgen, or meaningless).
If computer B) does 275,124 work units in half the time.

Which computer did more work?

Just because it took longer for one computer to reach the same amount of completed units it means it did more work?

This was and is my entire point. A point that you continuously ignored.
All things considered equal a fast computer will do more work than a slower one. Is this correct?

This is my final post on this subject. I wasn't going to post anything at all, but it is clear that you have some major misunderstandings about the BOINC credit system and how it works, and what the Cross Project Parity fanatics look at to justify their views.

In the scenario above, both computers did the same amount of work. They both did 275,124 work units.

BOINC-wide standings though are not based on total number of work units. With SETI Classic, they were. With BOINC, they are not. It does not matter if you don't want to talk about other projects, as the people who will be bringing this to you won't respect your wishes. If the CPP crowd knew that the basis for the charts that they use to compare projects was distorted as badly as it is, they'd be all up in Travis's email demanding further cuts.

What you are not understanding is that each change that has happened across the many years, across any of the projects, impacts the net worth of a work unit that was processed during a different credit granting era/scheme/epoch.

I stated that I found it to be impossible that your system here has done more work in what amounts to be 7-8 days (it was 2.5x for 21 days) than what my systems had done in 4 years on other projects. Regardless of whether you want to talk about other projects, again, David Anderson isn't going to respect your "because I said it's not allowed to be talked about" decree.

What happens each time that a project lowers credit per unit time is that new users have to do more work to attain the same total credit as users who processed under the older, higher credit rate. This potentially sets up a situation where older users not only have a "head start" over newer users, the newer users have a handicap.

If you know accounting terms, the way things have happened with David Anderson at the helm mandating these reductions, is the Net Future Value of work is always less than the Net Present Value. Also true with that is the Net Present Value is less than the Net Past Value (if such a thing existed). It is a continually deflationary cycle. That is what has happened, whether you want to talk about it without restrictions or not.

The prime example I gave was Cosmology. My average credit/time there is barely above the BOINC benchmark * time method. I get 420 credits for 22-28 hours of work sometimes. Cross Project Parity fanatics got ahold of that project. We were told that the "excessive credits of the past make up for the low credits now" (in a nutshell).

This was why I went through and did the work units per day/month/year comparison. I totally ignored and removed the credit argument from that equation, you kept trying to put it back in using cobblestones and comparing percentages of whatever in your replies.

...because that's the way that the BOINC credit and ranking system really works. It is pointless to talk about workunits done when the ranking system doesn't rank people on workunits done. It ranks people on credits obtained. As I said, the credit trend is continually deflationary, not static. The cut that hit anyone still using app version 0.19 here was pure deflation. They are still doing the same work with the same application, just getting less for it.

Again, you cannot just ignore the pieces that you want to ignore and talk about the pieces that you want to talk about. David Anderson isn't going to honor that...and it would behoove you to try to figure out a real counter-argument to what he and the CPP fanatics will say rather than just "well I don't want to talk about that".

I am not focusing in on any one particular thing that you have said, I am being very fair, very open and supporting my statements with evidence... or at the very least realistic examples.

The problem is, the realistic examples that I've brought in, you just call bunk as you don't want to talk about it. David Anderson, John McLeod VII, and a host of other people are not going to have one bit of respect for "I don't want to talk about that". They are the ones that will make the decision and implement it. Telling them "you can't talk about that" is just going to get you laughed at by them and ignored.


then you fail.
You want to argue not learn.
You simply do not want to go over what I am trying to explain, you want to talk about everything but that. Anything that could possibly show that no matter what you are right and everyone else is wrong.

Point A)
The simple fact is this...
If system A) can do 100 work units a day.
If system B) can do 1000 work units a day.
If System C) can do 3000 work units a day.
which system is going to get more work done?
The is the fundamental premise that you ignore.

Point B)
Credit is based on work unit completion.
If a system can do 100 times the work in the same period compared to another system, whom is going to get more credit?

You want to argue this...
Computer A) has 200,000 credits for completing 20,000 work units.
Computer B) has 200,000 credits for completing 18,000 work units.

However computer B) did those units in 1/5 of the time. Duh I am not stupid, computer A) did more work. However the time differential is in computer B)'s favor and it will surpass the amount of work done by computer A) in a fraction of the time. Also gaining more credit than A) in the process.
This is what you so carefully ignore. While computer B) may have got more credit per work unit, computer B) WILL complete more of them.

You are not going to tell me that my system that does 1,080,000 work units (GPU alone) a year has 'done less work' than your system that does 4320 (single core) work units a year then bitch and complain that my system has more credit, and has "done less work". The facts are simple and absolutely do not add up no matter how you want to slice the credit pie. It is a sheer numbers game, a game that you will always lose no matter how many time you try to adapt the rules.

Get over it, get used to it, game over.

You are full of it, it has been proven and since you do not care to actually debate or even attempt to put any understanding into this I can call you what you are... and what everyone else thinks you are. A whiny complaining little...
19) Message boards : Number crunching : credit table 2.0 (Message 32814)
Posted 27 Oct 2009 by boosted
We can do this one step at a time.
Tackle one issue at a time.
Come to a consensus on it, then move to another.

Obviously the first one I brought up is pure work unit completion comparisons. Time is somewhat of a non issue. Just sheer number completion.

We can tackle credit comparisons, and credit amounts later.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : credit table 2.0 (Message 32811)
Posted 27 Oct 2009 by boosted
These are the rules...

If you want to argue stay out.
If you want to debate come in.

If you are going to make a claim, have something to back it up, or at the very least use realistic examples.

To be VERY clear, this discussion pertains to THIS PROJECT AND THIS PROJECT ONLY. This project or its participants does not care about what other projects do, or how they are set up. You bring in other projects as examples you lose. capiche?

Now on with the debate...

Brian... I am going to attempt to see where you are coming from and where you (or myself) are going astray, but you must agree to do the same, otherwise we are both wasting time. If we do not acknowledge the others points, especially valid ones nothing is learned.

This is your exact example (just using my wording and numbers) I am also removing credit completely from this example, understood?

If computer A) does 275,124 work units in a particular time frame(the actual amount is hamudgen, or meaningless).
If computer B) does 275,124 work units in half the time.

Which computer did more work?

Just because it took longer for one computer to reach the same amount of completed units it means it did more work?

This was and is my entire point. A point that you continuously ignored.
All things considered equal a fast computer will do more work than a slower one. Is this correct?

This was why I went through and did the work units per day/month/year comparison. I totally ignored and removed the credit argument from that equation, you kept trying to put it back in using cobblestones and comparing percentages of whatever in your replies.

I brought in hard numbers. Using easy to see and realistic examples and numbers.

You did not refute a single portion of any of it with anything. You threw up statement after statement using all these other things that are meaningless to what is being discussed. Attempting to bring in all these other projects and what they are doing. Who cares what they are doing, they are not running THIS project.
We are discussing THIS project and THIS project only.
This project set its own credit system using the same equations that many other projects use. So the basis for the credit granting is valid.

I also showed that CPU tasks are indeed paid higher than GPU tasks. You agreed with this, yet you still said that we had no right to complain because we were getting so much credit anyway. At least that was your very clear implication.

THAT again was one of my points. If the project were to treat ALL work units equally the GPU people would actually be getting MUCH MORE credit than they actually are right now. And again as I said before, they are now debating on lowering the credit granted per work unit done again.

I am breaking this down to the most basic form. Work units and the amount of work units that are or can be done by any particular system.

I am not focusing in on any one particular thing that you have said, I am being very fair, very open and supporting my statements with evidence... or at the very least realistic examples.

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