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Posts by Not2Nutz

1) Message boards : Number crunching : MilkyWay not honoring Resourse Share percentage in preferences. (Message 43068)
Posted 21 Oct 2010 by Not2Nutz
I have the Resource Share percentage set to 10% in the individual project preferences, for all 12 projects I'm running.

For some reason MilkyWay stands out with the RS stuck at 100%. I have rechecked this a hundred times, reset the project, detatched-reattached, even loaded Boinc on an entirely new computer, and MilkyWay remains steadfast in its stated desire to use 100% of my "resources".

I have to wonder if this is just a minor bug, or is this project just being "piggish". I realize they have a whole lot of data to be processed. Suffice to say it is as "infinite" as the universe they are trying to map. But THIS "resource" really belongs to me and it is not theirs for the taking.

So I will assume this is a bug, and I sincerely hope they will fix it soon. Otherwise, I am going to have to stop running MilkyWay. Don't want to but that's the way I roll.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : 3rd.in - optimized apps (Message 32327)
Posted 12 Oct 2009 by Not2Nutz
"I presume you mean "3-5 seconds less a piece to finish."

No, actually, it was 3-5 "minutes" to complete each WU.

My mistake in using seconds instead of minutes.

After running 20b for two days I have decided that I prefer the way 19g runs. It seems to be quite faster, going thru 3 WUs at a time. So I am going to switch back.

"No it didn't delete itself."

And I want to make THIS point perfectly clear. The v20 application code was instantly DELETED. You can hedge or quibble in your explanation all you want. Whether it was by design, programing, or program error, or the Man-In-The-Moon, I REALLY DON'T CARE. "DELETED" means that it was gone within seconds WITHOUT EXPLANATION or note in the Log. I saw this behavior with my own eyes. And I am NOT mistaken. Version 20 DELETED the application code immediately each of the 5 times I started BOINC with it installed. That's the way it worked (?) on my machine; others may have experienced something else. For ME, Version 20 was a waste of time.

"if you haven't made arrangements within the app_info.xml file to properly handle the differently 'branded' tasks. "

I don't do anything with the XML app_info file, let alone "make arrangements". I just copy it into the correct place and run. I ASSUMED that this application would be ready-to-go when posted. If not, then it defeats the entire plan of upgrading to using it. Although I don't miind turning my machinee over for use my a project, I personally, don't have the time to screw around with this stuff.

I think there needs to be some/more QA (quality assurance) done on these applications prior to their release.

All I tried to accomplish by posting was to provide a little feedback that might be useful and/or encouraging. I really HATE it when someone uses my post to make a speech and to preach to me. And I don't appreciate the tone of the response that I received. Sounds very arrogant.

Just my opinion...


3) Message boards : Number crunching : 3rd.in - optimized apps (Message 32244)
Posted 10 Oct 2009 by Not2Nutz
I have my site updated with the newer 0.20b ATI apps now.


I just installed 20b and it seems to be working fine, at least, on the first few MilkyWay WUs.

The previous v20 actually deleted itself (the app) when I first started Boinc. (see my previous post.) So I switched back to 19g which worked fine and ran 3 WUs at a time, just uning the GPU.

Upon installing 20b and starting Boinc it instantly deleted all of the MilkyWay WUs I already had queued to run, about 20 of them. That was worrisome. I don't know if this is standard practice following an upgrade. But I would like to know if it is, as it seems to be a strange behavior, like the previous v20.

So after those WUs disappeared, I waited a few minutes and another 10 were downloaded and started, but are running only one at a time. They are taking about 3-5 seconds a piece to finish. That is on an HD3870 with a dual-quadcore Xeon at 2.66GHz.

So far, 20b looks good!

4) Message boards : Number crunching : 3rd.in - optimized apps (Message 31904)
Posted 3 Oct 2009 by Not2Nutz
Well that's pretty damaged already. :)
You should do the upgrade to XP.

Funny you should put it that way. LOL! I read comments like this all over the Internet.

I still run XP inside a VM because my old scanner with character recognition software is supported (no Vista drivers). Other than that I have no more use for XP. Moved on... Have used Win7 Betas for 6 months, and looking forward to the release on Oct22.

To the problem at hand, I abandoned the MilkyWay ATI GPU v20 and reverted to v19g. It seems to work OK. I also upgraded to Boinc v6.10.11, in spite of the strong warning to only use it only for testing.

I previously used v19f and it was very erratic, and barely worked. So I thought I could take the "giant leap" forward two versions. My Bad!

Two steps forward, one step back. Problem solved.

At the moment everything is working perfectly, running 11 projects and 2 on the ATI GPU. Guess which 2.

5) Message boards : Number crunching : 3rd.in - optimized apps (Message 31882)
Posted 2 Oct 2009 by Not2Nutz
I installed the latest version of the ATI GPU code that I downloaded from the zslip site last night.

That would be: astronomy_0.20_ATI_x64 and brook64.dll

Now I get the following error message in the Boinc log:

"Your app_info.xml file doesn't have a version of MilkyWay@Home"

What does this mean?

How can I correct it?


Also found in the Boinc message log:

"No coprocessors"
"[error] Application uses nonexistant coprocessor ATI"

I have an ATI HD3870 installed and using Catalyst 9.9 drivers.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : 3rd.in - optimized apps (Message 31879)
Posted 2 Oct 2009 by Not2Nutz
I installed the latest version of the ATI GPU code that I downloaded from the zslip site last night.

That would be: astronomy_0.20_ATI_x64 and brook64.dll

Now I get the following error message in the Boinc log:

"Your app_info.xml file doesn't have a version of MilkyWay@Home"

What does this mean?

How can I correct it?

And I just noticed that the app and support driver have mysteriously disappeared from my BOINC/projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway folder.

I am NOT very pleased with files being deleted from my computer WITHOUT my permission or knowledge. If they can do this then what's to stop them from damaging my Vista X64 O/S?

7) Message boards : Number crunching : v0.18/v0.19 issues here (Message 29460)
Posted 17 Aug 2009 by Not2Nutz
The minimum CCC version is 8.12, all others are too old to work with the CAL version included.

I started using CCC 9.8 yesterday and it seems to be working great, using CMDLINE option "f20 n2".

This is using a 3780 under Vista Ultimate X64.

I found CCC 9.8 on the Guru3D.com enthusiast site. Still not available on the ATI support site.

8) Message boards : Number crunching : Catalyst 9.7 released (Message 29429)
Posted 16 Aug 2009 by Not2Nutz
Catalyst 9.8 is now available over on the Guru3D.com enthusiast site. At the moment they have not been posted on the ATI support site, which I find strange.

I just got the MW ATI app running yesterday using these Catalyst 9.8 drivers on my 3870 using Vista Ultimate X64.

It is now working great, using app_info CMDLINE variable "f20 n2".

9) Message boards : Number crunching : 3rd.in - optimized apps (Message 29428)
Posted 16 Aug 2009 by Not2Nutz

I have been a Boinc user for about 2 years, but I just discovered MilkyWay yesterday. I have been watching the development of the CUDA interface for some time, but being a loyal ATI user, I am very pleased and excited that someone has finally taken up the challenge of implementing the ATI GPUs for computations.

I now have it working pretty well, so I thought I would share what I have done.

I downloaded the MW package and installed it and made the necessary file name changes, etc. and it didn't seem to work at all. It quickly blew thru about 20 WU's giving "computation error" on each one. I made some changes to the CMDLINE variable but they didn't seem to help.

It was only later that I discovered that the BoincTray process was still running even after aborting the Boinc app. Obviously, this needed to be aborted for the APP_INFO changes to take hold. The documentation mentioned aborting the "service", and I do know the difference between a "service" and a "process" as they appear in two different places on the TaskManager. So I was looking in the wrong place. My mis-conception from the docs thru me off for a few hours. Even though I killed the BoincMgr application (aborts two processes) the BoincTray still seems to keep running.

Then I discovered that my Boinc was an older version so I updated it to v6.6.36. In reading the forum I also discovered a new version of the ATI Catalyst driver posted over at Guru3D.com. It was version 9.8 and I was running 9.7 which is the latest version posted on the ATI support site. Amazing to me that the latest drivers are NOT available thru ATI, but thru an enthusiast site. That is very valuable to know.

Anyway, I am running a Vista Ultimate X64 on a dual quad-core Xeon with 16GB ram and a Radeon 3870. I am really amazed at how fast MilkyWay is running thru the work queue. It is taking about 6-8 minutes to complete one WU, whereas the Rosetta WUs I am also crunching are taking about a day to reach 50% completition. And I am still able to use my system for just about everything else I need it for. Not so sure about PhotoShop which I am just about to fire up, since I know it also may used the GPU directly.

Now using Boinc v6.6.36 and Catalyst v9.8

The CMDLINE variable I am using is "f20 n2" and as I said it is working smooth as silk.

I realize that this is early in what will be a continuous development process. But so far it looks very good to me. This was definately worth the 5+ hours I spent to get it running correctly.


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