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Members of Freies Deutschland

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
81) hajo 13,682 0.09 Germany
82) [TG-SET]HERBIE 3,384,061 0.09 Germany
83) Meteox 481 0.09 Germany
84) mwx 51,763 0.09 Germany
85) taxag 985,148 0.09 Germany
86) karl.napp 18 0.09 Germany
87) [TG-SET]HKCRX 5,211,509 0.09 Germany
88) JoParo 10,447 0.09 Germany
89) Holzhakker 254 0.09 Germany
90) aladin 4,917 0.09 Germany
91) TeeeCeee 421,939 0.09 Germany
92) Eddy 1,710 0.09 Germany
93) [TG-SET]Luc 4,205,382 0.09 Germany
94) Simon 23,671 0.09 Germany
95) Lupenmann 66,552 0.09 Germany
96) ch3ck4r 207,365 0.09 Germany
97) Alex 15,006 0.09 Germany
98) Cpx 14,807,607 0.09 Germany
99) Alex 860,756 0.09 Germany
100) Alexander Rieker 8,170 0.09 Germany
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