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Members of EinzelGanger

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) nw1 5,692,374 0.09 Netherlands
2) Janberg 354,417 0.10 Netherlands
3) Profile Alexander Möller [Founder] 137,660 0.09 Netherlands
4) jeroe 60,325 0.09 Netherlands
5) NiGHTSKY 59,326 0.10 Netherlands
6) Kasper Ouwerkerk 27,865 0.09 None
7) Onno Spierings 23,716 0.10 Netherlands
8) Ronnie 14,403 0.09 Netherlands
9) Scott Schneider 3,104 0.10 Netherlands
10) T.J.Barents 2,681 0.09 Netherlands
11) Laura 538 0.09 Netherlands

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