Last updated 25 Dec 2024, 16:55:04 UTC

Chris Pauquette ("Retire Navy Corpsman HMC SAR Swimmer. I was injured in the first gulf war and retired for a...")
Civic ("Currently student of South-Bohemia University.")
Cygnis ("I am an orginal SETI@home cruncher, I have been doing Boinc since SETI switched over, off...")
CR62 ("Hello folks, this is CR62 from Germany, I am a BOINC-Fan since 2004. My combined...")
Chris cdw ("... just another Swiss guy crunching for fun...")
Cyfron ("Crunching with Boinc@Poland! Licze z Boinc@Poland!")
Christopher Herr ("Hi everyone, i am a 30+ year old business information scientist living near Stuttgart,...")
Candy ("I was born in Fort Worth, TX, raised in Walnut Creek, CA and now live in Caballo, NM. I'm...")
Clemens Lück ("I was born in 1983. At the Moment I'm working for the Ministry of the Interior of...")
cla1067 ("IT-Student")

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