Last updated 26 Dec 2024, 16:55:04 UTC

Gary Charpentier ("Long time cruncher.")
GPV67 ("Hi, I'm a French guy, born a couple of months before the first human spaceflight. A...")
Gavin Shaw ("Name: Gavin Shaw Age: Not telling you. But was born on the 8th December. Guess which...")
Gopherboy76 ("I'm a 30+yr old Uni student studying TV/Film production. I love being around my friends and...")
gregk@seti.usa ("Be sure to visit and join our community! You'll find team news and team...")
GalaxyIce ("For a short while under a huge tent in London I was Colonel John Weir. I enjoyed the...")
Gavin Lang ("G'day! I am in my forties and an avid follower of humanities advancement into the cosmos in...")

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