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Profile: Alex Kamal - MCRN

Your personal background.
Former Senior Chief Petty Officer in MCRN (Martian Congressional Republic Navy).
Pilot aboard the Cantebury (former)
Pilot aboard the Rocinante (currently)

Born on Mars, in the Mariner Valley. Having grown up there, I was raised with the incongruous Texas drawl that has caught on among the largely Indian and Chinese population who live there. Unlike the rest of my sizable family on Mars, I looked at the generations-long terraforming project with a sense of restlessness and dread. With dreams of flying fast attack gunships, I enlisted in the Martian Congressional Republic Navy.

After my tours' honorable service discharge, a sentiment of adventure led me to seek a pilot job in the industrial navy of the Asteroid belt. Served aboard the Pur'n'Kleen ice hauler, Canterbury as one of the pilots until the vessel's destruction coming back from Saturn. Now I work with James Holden, Naomi Nagata and Amos Burton on the Rocinante.

Fond of lasagna and using meals with light conversation as a salve for keeping morale aboard my ship high. A big country music fan, you can often find me alone on the bridge singing along to the music in my headphones.

"Welcome to the rodeo, ladies and gentlemen. Please sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Ceres Station here we come."
Your opinions about MilkyWay@home
Was a huge fan of SETI@Home and ran this as well. Now with eight years newer technology and a bigger PC budget, I hope to help make the most accurate map we can infer from our observations. Just a massive fan of Space and wondering what is really out in The Expanse.
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