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Profile: CNT - CIMRMAN

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CNT - Cimrman je prvni tymovy pocitac, ktery provozuje Czech National Team, o. s. s cilem navysit celkovy vypocetni vykon tymu Czech National Team a optimalizovat vykon tymu behem turnaju jednotlivych projektu.
Nezbytne prostredky pro stavbu a provoz distribuovanych vypoctu darovali clenove tymu CNT.
Nazev PC odkazuje na fiktivni postavu univerzalniho ceskeho genia - Járy (da) Cimrmana.

CNT-Cimrman is the first team computer operated by a non-profit organisation Czech National Team, o. s. with the intent to streamline the total Czech National Team performance and the performance during the challenges.
All the necessary funds for the assembly and operation are raised from donations by members of the Czech National Team.
The PC is named for Jára (da) Cimrman, a fictitious Czech genius.
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Team Czech National Team

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