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Computer 289084

Computer information
Owner Charlie &
Created 20 May 2011, 13:45:13 UTC
Total credit 2,619,296
Average credit 0.10
Cross project credit BOINCstats.com Free-DC
CPU type i386
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 ProcessorAMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor [] [sse sse2 sse3 3dnow 3dnowext mmx]
Number of processors 4
Coprocessors ---
Virtualization None
Operating System FreeBSD
BOINC version 7.0.65
Memory 3.22 GB
Cache 976.56 KB
Measured floating point speed 3.31 billion ops/sec
Measured integer speed 8 billion ops/sec
Average upload rate 316.68 KB/sec
Average download rate 7566.82 KB/sec
Average turnaround time 0.14 days
Application details Show
Tasks 0
Number of times client has contacted server 7125
Last contact 11 Nov 2013

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